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Chapter 17 The First Pick (17)

Afterwards, Xing Ye got up and went to the bathroom with a happy expression on his face.

Chen Ruxin sat on the bed and looked at her two numb hands. She rubbed her hands on her own. Recalling that Xing Ye put her head on her neck and gasped for breath, she was very comfortable. Chen Ruxin felt that she could not refuse this.  His……

When Xing Ye walked out wearing a bathrobe, she saw Chen Ruxin still sitting on the bed, as if she hadn't recovered, thinking she had frightened her by some violent behavior just now, and she suddenly blamed herself.  He walked over, hugged her, and kissed the top of her hair: "Don't be afraid, I won't do this to you anymore."

Unexpectedly, Chen Ruxin looked up at him and asked, "Is uncomfortable?"

     What?  Xing Ye was startled, and when he reacted, he couldn't help but laugh, gently licking her sensitive ears, her sexy voice tumulted her eardrums lowly: "It's very comfortable, you don't know when you touch me  How excited I am, I can’t wait to ask you on the spot to make you feel more comfortable..."

"Don't say it." Chen Ruxin listened to him as he said that he became less decent, and gently pushed him away and walked towards the bathroom.  Leaving Xing Ye standing on the spot chuckled softly, a very light and light sentence slowly vented from his mouth: "How can it be so cute?"


Chen Ruxin stood in the bathroom after showering, and realized that she had forgotten to take the change of clothes in a hurry, so she wrapped herself in a bath towel, opened the bathroom door, and saw a person standing at the door. Chen Ruxin's eyes fell on the things in his hands.  ,"you……"

"Don't catch a cold." Xing Ye handed her the clothes and supplies on her hand and asked her to go in quickly.

Chen Ruxin took it, turned around and went into the bathroom again.

When she changed her clothes and walked out, Xing Ye was no longer visible in the bedroom.

Chen Ruxin untied her long curled hair, poured herself a glass of water, looked up and saw a figure standing on the balcony.  Xing Ye?  Chen Ruxin got up and walked towards the balcony.

Xing Ye, who discovered Chen Ruxin’s arrival, squeezed the cigarette out of her hand without thinking about it, and then walked over to touch her hand, and said, “It’s cold here, go in.”

Chen Ruxin looked at the ashtray on the side, then looked up at Xing Ye, and asked, "Do you smoke?"

"Occasionally." Xing also rubbed the top of her hair, and said warmly: "If you don't like the smell of cigarettes, you won't smoke in the future."

"It's not that I don't like it, it's just that smoking is bad for your health."

The long and narrow phoenix eyes under Xing Ye's lenses bend: "Are you worried about me?"

Chen Ruxin met his deep eyes and nodded.

"Then I will quit smoking." Xing Ye walked behind her, held her in his arms, sniffed the fragrance of her neck after bathing, and said in a low voice: "After all, nicotine will kill the sperm survival rate.  , I also hope that we can conceive a child that belongs to us.” When he said this, Xing Ye’s palm covered Chen Ruxin’s abdomen, and a warm breath was sprayed on the side of her neck, “okay?”

"Child? Absolutely not!" The system suddenly yelled in Chen Ru's mind, "Host, absolutely can't be pregnant with a child, otherwise..." The system suddenly muffled, and then changed to a more calm voice: "You guys  His children are not allowed by the way of heaven. That will only intensify the blackening of the villain, and the task will be even more difficult."

"I see." Chen Ruxin replied in her mind: "Are you awake?"

"Well, my time is too short." The system continued: "You need to be as fast as possible for this task, otherwise the time is too late..."

I couldn't hear the system's voice anymore, Chen Ruxin softly replied, "Yeah." I didn't know whether it was an answer to the system or the man holding him behind him.

When Chen Ruxin's voice fell, Xing also hugged her tighter, "Let's go in."

Back in the bedroom, Chen Ruxin saw the notebook on the desktop, looked up at Xing Ye, and asked, "Can I use this computer?"

Xing also glanced at the office computer he had brought over, and smiled faintly: "Of course."

"I'm a little hungry and want to eat matcha cake." Chen Ruxin continued.

Xing also let go of her, "I'll get it for you." After he left the bedroom, Chen Ruxin sat down and turned on the computer to log in to his mailbox. First, he sent an email to his tutor, and then sent another one to each of his brothers and sisters.  An email about the thesis was just to tell the two that they did not disappear for no reason, but they did not explain anything.

When he wanted to quit, Chen Ru thought for a while, and still sent an email to Xue Mingxuan, telling him the time and place to meet tomorrow.

After doing this, Chen Ruxin selectively removed the traces, and then closed the computer.

When Xing Ye came in, he saw Chen Ru resting his cheeks and looking at the door, as if waiting for him to come back.

"I brought you milk, I don't know if you like it or not." Xing Ye put the cake on the plate in front of her, "Try it."

"Yeah." Chen Ruxin took the fork he handed over and ate it. The cake was sweet but not greasy. The fragrance of tea melted in his mouth and it tasted good.  Chen Ruxin glanced at Xing Ye, who was working in front of the computer next to him, and forked a piece of cake to his mouth, "Try it too."

Xing also didn't like sweets, but when he met Chen Ruxin's sight, Xing also thought about it, stretched out her hand and pulled her arm slightly, Chen Ruxin had to lean towards him, "Xing, Xing Ye?" The next moment,  Chen Ruxin felt that her lips were covered with warm touch, and her flexible tongue easily opened her lips and teeth, and swept her mouth unscrupulously.  Chen Ruxin was worried that the fork in his hand would hurt him, and did not resist at all. He almost let him do whatever he wanted, until Chen Ruxin couldn't breathe and let her go.

In Chen Ruxin's moist eyes, Xing Ye's thin lips raised: "The cake is delicious."

"..." Chen Ruxin got up from his arms, picked up the remaining cake on the table and moved it to him, "If you like it, then I will give you these too." Then he drank the milk in the glass and went to wash.

Seeing her disappearing from sight, Xing also looked at the cakes helplessly, and sighed, "Is this count as self-inflicted and cannot live?"

Unfortunately, no one answered him.


After Chen Ruxin came back, Xing was no longer there.

At this time, she was also a little tired, so she went to bed directly.  In the unfamiliar environment, Chen Ruxin was still not used to the darkness, so she kept a bedside lamp.

When she was half asleep and half awake, she seemed to sit on the edge of the bed, with her eyes half-opened: "Xing Ye?"

"Well, go to sleep." Xing Ye leaned over and lightly kissed her forehead, "Good night."

Xing, who originally planned to stay in the master bedroom, also thought about it, and went to the study room next door to deal with the company documents that had been piled up in the past few days.  I always felt that in front of her, the self-control I was proud of had become precarious.

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