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The white fox suddenly woke up from his dream, the picture just now...what is it?

......Is there something forgotten by yourself?

Also, why would I call an unfamiliar name?

No, it's no stranger.

Suddenly, the white fox transformed into a human form, with golden pupils looking into the distance, and there was no focus in the eyes.

He unconsciously called out a person's name: "...Your heart."

     who is it?

Who is the woman standing in front of you in that picture?

Xing Ye's expression on his face was extremely painful, and he lost his most important memory, but he couldn't remember it anyway.

Even in the dream of just now, he couldn't break through that barrier.

Why, why not remind him?  !


Xing did not consciously touch his heart, he felt heavy, as if he had been infused with lead, and even his breathing became painful.

He closed his eyes, and the spiritual energy of Shenmu surrounded him, as if to appease his restless spiritual energy.

The breeze blew, only the soft sound of leaves came.

I don't know how long it took, and Xing also opened his eyes again.

The scenes I saw before when my consciousness was sinking, I can't find it anymore.

...... Ah Qin, why don't you want to see me?

What are those sealed memories... Why don't you want to let me know?

Why do you want to do this?  !

Xing Ye's devilish energy gathered around his body, and his golden pupils were gradually stained with scarlet blood, and his eyes showed unwillingness and pain.

"Since you don't want to come to see me..." Xing Ye has a hoarse voice, firm and decisive, "Then wait for me to find you thirty-three days away!"

In a short while, Xing also left Qingqiu and disappeared into the Three Thousand World.

Thirty-three days away, the Mayfly Palace.

Qing Lian was sitting on the futon in the quiet room, her eyes slowly opened, and the green lotus mark on the center of her eyebrows was covered with a faint golden light.

What kind of obsession and feeling is that so that the restrictions imposed by the saint can be touched?

Qinglian looked in one direction, and that was the country of Qingqiu thirty-three days away.

The nine-tailed celestial fox whose luck is connected to himself

... Xing Ye.

Qing Lian never had a trace of emotion in her eyes, and she was as calm as water, and then closed her eyes again.

Everything between heaven and earth is in the eyes of the saint, but it is fleeting.

It is not that there are no seven emotions and six desires, but compared with the great way, those things no longer form obsessions, nor will they shake the saint's way.

Only sometimes, Qinglian feels a little redundant about her previous practice.

For example, seal the memory of the nine-tailed celestial fox;

The woman in captivity by the villainWhere stories live. Discover now