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Chapter 42

At this time, the two of them were passing through a small town with no one. The air was still hot and the wind and sand that accompanied them made people feel irritable.  Chen Lingshao did not want to take off her jacket and was exposed to the wind and sand, but she disliked sweat soaking her clothes...

Chen Ruxin has been led by him, so he naturally feels uncomfortable.

[Shall we rest for a while?  】

"I'm fine." Chen Lingshao replied softly. He didn't feel too tired, but the hot air made him very uncomfortable.

Chen Ruxin also noticed that when he was uncomfortable, the corners of his eyes would always droop slightly, and then he would habitually pull on his clothes, and then re-arranged after pulling, repeating this action continuously.

Without waiting for him to refuse, Chen Ruxin approached him and hugged him. The energy of the crystal core was running, and the cold breath instantly enveloped him.

Chen Lingshao couldn't refuse, she couldn't help but put her chin on her shoulder, let out a comfortable sigh in her throat, and hugged her tightly.

After a while, Chen Lingshao released her. He looked at her with a helpless smile. The pampering and tenderness in his eyes could not be ignored. His voice was slightly low: "You will make me addicted."

     【It's ok.  】

Before finishing the last stroke, Chen Ruxin's hand was held by him.  His hand clasped her ten fingers, and then a light kiss fell on her forehead. The stubbornness flashing through his eyes made people subconsciously terrified. He said, "You only belong to me."

Chen Ruxin nodded calmly, [I only belong to you.  】

This time, she used lip language.

Chen Lingshao was startled, he naturally understood, and couldn't help but smile: "Of course."

This feeling of peace and tranquility is very pleasant.

Chen Lingshao took her hand and continued on the road. They walked through deserted streets, towns full of zombies, and mountain roads full of mutant plants, and finally settled in a village with several families.

It is far away from the base of survivors, and the people are savage and brutal, and most of them live by robbing passers-by.  Some of them are supernatural beings, and some are just ordinary people, but they all have their own ways of survival, otherwise they would not choose to stay instead of seeking shelter in the survivor base.

Chen Ruxin was wearing a generous cloak and a hood. The brim of the hat almost wanted to cover the tip of her nose, only revealing her slightly white lips.  Those people didn't notice anything strange when they saw her, but Chen Lingshao's appearance made the eyes of those people show a trace of greed and the desire to see beautiful women.

A few chills flashed through Chen Lingshao's light gray pupils. She was about to clean up these people, but Chen Ruxin held her hand and silently stopped him from taking action.

It's not that Chen Ru wanted to let these people go, but because of Chen Lingshao's body with an astonishing rate of exhaustion, using offensive abilities would inevitably hurt him more.

Chen Lingshao obeyed her, and did not respond to those people.

The two of them walked far away, and they also found a few abilities behind them secretly. This time, Chen Ruxin was also a little unhappy.

[You are waiting for me here.  】

"I'm coming." Chen Lingshao's eyes were cold, and before Chen Ruxin stopped, she was suppressed by the powerful force in his body. At almost the same moment, she heard the screams of several people.

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