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Chen Ruxin paused slightly, but did not stop and passed him by.

It's like a stranger.

She is not far out.

Behind him, a fierce and majestic sword intent struck, Chen Ruxin turned around to block the sword intent, and his sight also slammed into those cold eyes.

Chen Ruxin's movements were slightly stagnant. At this pause, the sword intent swept across the side of her neck, blood oozing out of the skin, leaving a shallow scar on the white and delicate neck.  She wiped away the blood bead casually, looked at Wen Danrong, who was already able to fear her own coercion, and slowly said, "What is this?"

Her voice is gentle, but it is like a sluggish voice, which makes people want to stop.

Wen Danrong thought that he could put aside the things that happened two hundred years ago, and stay focused.  But at the moment she appeared in front of her, all the "I thought" was turned into nothingness, and all the firmness in her heart collapsed in one breath.

But this person is indifferent and alienated as if he had never seen himself before.

I really want to break her peace and let her experience the suffering deep in her heart.

Wen Danrong, who didn't know what he wanted to do at all, held a sword in his hand and pointed at Chen Ruxin.

The statement sentence is not asking at all.

Chen Ruxin suddenly felt a bit headache. She is a Faculty practitioner, although her cultivation level is a higher level than him.  But for the previous two hundred years, Chen Ruxin had been healing his wounds. He did not advance and retreated from his cultivation base, and fell from the late Yuanying stage to the middle Yuanying stage. It would be difficult for his cultivation to go further.

Unless there is a big chance.

Think about the mission world that I have been in. The big opportunity is not to think about it. As long as Tiandao's subordinates show mercy, Chen Ruxin will be satisfied.

This time, Chen Ruxin wanted to refuse Wen Danrong's engagement, but she of the Seven Demon Sects couldn't.

"After the competition."

After finishing speaking, Chen Ruxin turned and left this place of right and wrong.

Seeing her back disappear in a moment, Wen Danrong clenched the sword in his hand and turned and entered the hall.

The friction between the two was naturally recognized by the few people in the hall. The monks were strong in spirit and were naturally clear about what happened outside the hall.

Seeing that there was no real fight, the few people in the hall breathed a sigh of relief. Only the Shadow Demon Envoy gave a thoughtful look at Wen Danrong who walked in. This Taoist monk...has the aura of a Demon Envoy.

Wen Danrong and the head of Xuan Guangzong paid a salute, and then stood on one side blankly.

Among those who competed, they were divided into the foundation-building period and the Jin Dan period, and Wen Danrong happened to be in the Jin Dan period.

Jianxiu only cultivates one sword in one body, and his strength is much stronger than that of general practice, and he can even fight at a higher level.

Therefore, the current strength of Wen Danrong is also the strongest in the Dao Sect this time, and it is not unreasonable to be in the Yuan Ying period of World War I.

Chen Ruxin walked alone in the cultivation fair, with an unclear purpose.

Suddenly a snow rabbit flew towards her. It was a kind of spirit beast. Because of its pleasing appearance, it was very popular with female monks.  It's just that these Snow Spirit Rabbits are scarce and hard to come by. Although they don't have any attack ability, they are expensive.

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