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Chapter 13 The first pick (13) is beautiful and sultry

Although this person has three wrong views and is cruel, he is really good to the original owner.  Good enough to replace the Bai Yueguang girl in his heart who helped him when he was young, it is also extremely rare.  People like Xing Ye don't trust others easily, but once they trust it, they will deliver it wholeheartedly.  As long as he doesn't betray him, he still indulges each other very much.

"Remember to put on dry clothes and don't catch cold." Xing Ye stood up and said, "After the change, come down and eat something." After saying that, Xing Ye put on her coat and set himself to work before leaving.  The notebook I used was taken away.

The sound of footsteps went away, and Chen Ruxin was the only one left in the room. She got up from the bed, stepped barefoot on the carpet and walked towards the bathroom.  That dream still made her care very much. The system once said that some things cannot be changed. After all, maybe one day she will be caught by Xing Ye and locked in a birdcage.  Her task is to make Xing not hate the way of heaven, even if she has no resentment or unwillingness in her heart.

After coming out of the shower, Chen Ruxin deliberately put on a simple and charming makeup for herself, then curled up her long hair and went to the cloakroom.  Chen Ruxin chose a light purple-red, darker one-shoulder dress, and put it on with light gold stiletto heels.  Standing in front of the fitting mirror, Chen Ru went downstairs after feeling that there was nothing wrong.

When Xing Ye saw Chen Ruxin walking downstairs, he involuntarily swallowed half of the red wine in his mouth and almost choked. Fortunately, he held it back so he didn't rude in front of her.  I had known that Chen Ru had a very good-looking heart, but this act of dressing up for himself made him feel flattered. The charming and coquettish Haitanghong made her cold and beautiful face even more beautiful, but only took a small sip.  The red wine has already felt slightly drunk.

Settling down, Xing Ye gracefully got up and pulled out the chair for her, and said warmly, "Sit down."

Chen Ruxin sat down in accordance with the words, and the butler continued to serve meals. Taking into account that Chen Ruxin had not eaten for a long time, most of them were light-tasting foods.

It is already an hour after the meal is finished.

Xing Ye gave her his hand, and Chen Ruxin put his hand on his palm and he held it.

The two walked to the back garden for a walk. There was a path paved with soft cobblestones. To prevent Chen Ruxin from being unstable, Xing also squeezed her hand.

The sky is clear and the moon is bright, and the lights on the roadside are dim but warm.

There was a wooden swing in the garden. Worried that she would be tired from walking, Xing also motioned to her to sit on the swing, and then stood beside her.

"Do you want to sit together?" When she looked up at her slightly, her pupils under the moonlight were indescribably charming. He did not approach her, but looked at her and slowly said, "Your heart,  Will you stay by my side?"

Chen Ru calmly asked, "Then you want to keep me here all the time?"

Xing also knew that he could not avoid this problem, so he said: "When the matter is over, I will take you away."

"I can't promise you."

"Why?" Xing, who was rejected, did not seem angry at all, but was curious about her reasons.  If Chen Ruxin promised herself without hesitation, he would feel suspicious.

Chen Ruxin felt that Xing Ye beside him was unhappy, and asked: "Are you angry?"

"No." Xing Ye lowered his head and looked at her, with a particularly serious expression in his eyes and said, "I can wait."

"Then what if I never agree?"

"Then I'll just wait."

Chen Ruxin raised his head and glanced at him: "Then I took the opportunity to run away?"

Hearing this, Xing also laughed, his handsome profile looks like a vampire under the moonlight, and his tone did not fluctuate: "Then I will catch you back."

"..." Chen Ruxin has no doubt about the authenticity of his words.

In response to her sudden silence, Xing Ye half bends down, holding her face in both hands, in a low voice: "You don't hate me, why can't you try with me?"

Chen Ruxin was silent for a while, and then said: "You let me think about it."

"Okay." Xing Ye leaned over and kissed her lips gently, and sighed in her ears: "Don't let me wait too long."

Chen Ruxin nodded.

After going back, Chen Ruxin simply washed up and prepared to rest. Because she slept too long in the afternoon, she was a little difficult to sleep now, so she went to the balcony to blow the air.  Chen Ruxin sat down on the wicker chair and looked at the brightly blooming white roses in the vase on the round glass table.

At this time, Chen Ruxin did not have the mood to appreciate, she asked the system in her mind: "If I follow Xing Ye in everything, may he not blacken it?"

"The system is dead, and something is burning paper."

"..." Chen Ru's lips pressed slightly, and it seemed that he couldn't.

Yes, it is absolutely impossible for people like Xing Ye to be perfunctory, so she rejected Xing Ye when she was in the garden just now.

Xing Ye’s questioning itself contained a bit of temptation. If he directly agreed to it, it would inevitably make him more wary of himself and make him feel that he was showing good intentions to leave here. Such a situation would obviously be extremely detrimental to Chen Ruxin.  .

Is that trying to like Xing Ye?

I don't know why, Chen Ruxin does not reject the matter of liking Xing Ye from the bottom of his heart. On the contrary, there is a complex emotion that is inexplicably unexplainable. Where does this feeling come from?

I can't figure it out.  Judging from the things Xing Ye did, no matter what, the world could not accommodate him.  Judging from what Xing Ye did, his revenge was not to hate the world, but to avenge those who had hurt him in a more extreme way.  So, what is the reason for the hatred of heaven that the system says?

And, how do you like Xing Ye?  Chen Ruxin didn't know when she began to know that besides losing important memories, she also lost the emotions and desires that a normal person should have.  Thinking of this, Chen Ruxin lowered her head and rested her arm, looking at the gleaming stars in the boundless night outside, and the sound of insects sounded in her ears, and she gradually closed her eyes.

Before she knew it, she went to sleep like this.

The evening breeze in the mountains and forests was getting colder and colder. Xing, who was planning to go out, just looked up and saw Chen Ruxin’s bedroom. When he saw Chen Ruxin sleeping on the balcony with his arm, his eyebrows suddenly wrinkled.

It is surrounded by mountains, and the temperature is much lower than that in the city. When Xing Ye went upstairs to take the spare key and walked into her room, he saw Chen Ruxin, who was only wearing a thin knitted piece on the balcony. After all, he just sighed.  Bend down and hugged her sideways.

Chen Ruxin, who was awakened, opened her sleepy eyes, "Xing Ye?" She rubbed his chest unconsciously as if she had confirmed, and then closed her eyes with peace of mind.

She didn't know how much shock Xing Ye's heart was caused by this move.  He took a deep look at her, hugged her back to the bed, and then sat on the edge of the bed and leaned over to look at the person An Xin had slept with. He put his hand on her cheek, and gently rubbed her lips with his fingers.  The possessiveness and stubbornness hidden deep in his eyes are unconcealed. He is declaring his ownership: "You are mine."

"...Well." Chen Ruxin groaned unconsciously when she was asleep.

"Heh..." Xing also laughed happily, and he brushed her hair with his hand, and gently kissed on his lips: "You agreed."

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