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In the dimness, there is a familiar figure beside him...

     ……who is it?

Chen Ruxin wanted to see the person's appearance clearly, but only vaguely saw a shadow gradually disappearing from his sight... Is he leaving?

At that moment, for no reason, Chen Ruxin stretched out his hand to keep that person.

Until the figure disappears completely.

The brain was in chaos, and Chen Ru was unwilling to close his eyes again.

The ears are very quiet, there is no discomfort in the cold, and there is no longer a humid and rancid breath under the body.

… It turns out that she actually came out of the jail?

Chen Ruxin slowly opened his eyes.

This is the Temple of Taihe, his bedroom. Chen Ruxin felt that his strength had recovered a lot, so he got up.

The golden bell on the ankle remembered the crisp sound, and Yingluo, who was guarding outside, quickly pushed in.

"... Yingluo?" Chen Ruxin's voice was hoarse, as if it had been smoked, "How did I get out?"

"Your Majesty personally made an order to release the prince's concubine from the prison." Yingluo held the tea cup at the temperature in her hand, half kneeling in front of her, and offered the tea cup: "Prince concubine, you first  Drink of water."

Chen Ruxin took it, and the warm water moisturized the dry throat and relieved the discomfort of lack of water.

After receiving the tea cup in her hand, Yingluo took the outer shirt and put it on her so as not to catch the cold.

Chen Ruxin couldn't figure out the meaning of Emperor Xia's move. Was the soldier approaching the city?

"How long did I sleep?"

Yingluo put her long hair in a simple bun, and replied: "Two days and two nights."

It has already been two days, have the soldiers and horses of General Zuo approached the imperial city?

Chen Ruxin's eyes narrowed slightly: "How is the situation outside?"

"The general will arrive in the imperial city soon." Yingluo replied quietly.

I don't know why, she obviously passed out in the jail, but she didn't see anything unusual this time.

Only Ying Luo is by his side, why not see Zhou Chaoqing?

"Where is Zhou Chaoqing?"

Yingluo Fushen: "Duke Zhou has been here before, and he is waiting outside the hall at this time."

… So, when she was half asleep and half awake, the figure she saw was indeed Zhou Chaoqing.

"Let him in." Chen Ruxin stood up, but was a little weak because he had not eaten for a long time, Yingluo hurriedly helped her walk to the outside couch.

Although the spring was beginning at this time, the wind was still a bit cold, so he took her a mink cloak and fastened it to her.

"The slave and maid will let Zhou Gonggong come in." Yingluo took a small bowl from the hand of the maid on the side and said to her: "The imperial doctor said that you need to eat when you wake up. It should be light and not fishy."

Looking at the bowl in her hand on the low table, she walked down.

After a while, I saw Zhou Chaoqing walking in.

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