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The gongs and drums sounded.

Chen Ruxin slowly opened her eyes. She was now in a big red sedan chair, wearing a heavy and gorgeous phoenix crown and a red hijab on her head.

This is...ancient wedding?

Chen Ruxin closed his eyes and began to merge the memories of this body.

The original owner is Princess Chen Guochang, and the title is Princess Tai'an.

The mother and concubine passed away when the original owner was seven years old, and she has been raised by the queen. Although she is not much favored, she also grew up safely in the deep palace.

Later, Xia Guolai came to ask for relatives and signed a non-aggression treaty.

Guojun Chen, who was pleased to see his success, immediately sent his daughter who had just met him to Xia Guo and his relatives, and only then did he wake up to see this scene.

After merging with the memory of the original owner, the pain that has always plagued Chen Ruxin seems to be relieved a lot, and the tear-like pain from the soul no longer makes her immobile like it did at that time.

At this moment, "Host, you are now on the way to Xia Guo and your relatives~" The words of the system sounded in her sea of ​​consciousness: "Because you are unstable and cannot bear the shock caused by data transmission, I have to write it down~"

The system's voice fell. In front of Chen Ruxin, a piece of paper swayed in front of her. Through the red hijab, Chen Ruxin reached out and caught it.

Paper has no weight. Chen Ruxin lifted the red hijab on her head and began to understand the mission information of this world.

There are five countries on this land, namely Wei, Chen, Xia, Wuxian, and Juying.  These five countries check and balance each other, there are frictions from time to time, but no major wars occur.

Among them, the country of Yue is located in the desert, where the folk customs are strong, and the monarch is virtuous; the three countries of Wei, Chen, and Xia are located in the Central Plains and have similar customs. Among them, the economy of Xia is the strongest.  The Kuying Country is located on an island, surrounded by miasma, and ordinary people cannot go to it at all.

Among the five countries, Xia Guo is also the most ambitious and has always wanted to complete the unification.

However, it is not only Xia Guojun who has such an idea, but now that the three legs of the Central Plains are standing together and restraining each other, no one will easily break this balance and let others take advantage of the fisherman.

The son of luck in this world is Xia Hou Feiran, the prince of Xia Guo, and it is also the object of the original owner this time.

It's just that the original owner was only a marriage partner, so the ending is destined to become a victim on the political stage.  Xia Hou Feiran had a loved one in her heart, and that was Liu Wanrong, the daughter of the prime minister of Xia Guo, and another child of luck in this world.

It is unclear why Xiahou Feiran marries the original owner, and it seems that it is to consolidate his position.  He is now a prince, and there is already a concubine Liu Wanrong beside him. Now he is marrying a princess from another country, which makes it hard to see his intentions.

But these are not important, Chen Ruxin's eyes fell on the faint golden text on the paper.

I don’t know which teacher taught the language of the system, so I can’t tell the main point, and even a lot of nonsense still occupies a lot of places.

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