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Chapter 10 The first pick (10) was kidnapped

The next day, Chen Ruxin received a call as soon as he woke up.

Seeing the contact shown above, Chen Ruxin picked up: "Hello?"

"Do you bother to sleep?"

"No, what's wrong?" Chen Ruxin got out of bed and put on his shoes, and asked, "Are you going to give me an answer?"

"Yeah." Xue Mingxuan paused, "Let's get engaged."

Hearing his answer, Chen Ruxin finally settled down and said, "You decide the date, and you will have to work hard at that time."

Xue Mingxuan chuckled, "I should have been busy, so you can just wait."


"By the way, I haven't met my uncle and aunt."

"If you get engaged, you won't bother them, so let's notify them when they get married."

Knowing a little bit about Chen Ruxin's home, Xue Mingxuan said nothing, and finally exhorted: "Then I'm going to work, you also remember to eat breakfast."

     "Oh, I see."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Ruxin finally let go of a worry.

The system says that the ending cannot be changed, so she doesn't have to go to Xing Ye specially. As long as she is engaged to Xue Mingxuan, is she afraid that Xing won't show up?  Or it has appeared...

After washing up, Chen Ruxin soaked a cup of oatmeal, then opened the notebook and started to revise the graduation thesis, only to show her the tutor at the end.  In order to pass it all at once, Chen Ruxin took a lot of thought, and it took more than half a month to make changes. She was afraid that she would not have time to write in the future, so she hurry up.  After confirming that there was no problem, Chen Ruxin sent it to Professor Tan's mailbox.

The handover of the studio will take some time, and it will not be necessary to go there after the arrangements are made.  Just in the afternoon, another patient who had an appointment would come over, so Chen Ruxin had lunch and passed by after the lunch break.

She had just walked to the office, and within five minutes, the person came.

"Dr. Chen, I thought you wouldn't be here anymore." Although Chu Yue looks like a gentle and polite face today, it is a little different from usual.  He seemed to ask inadvertently: "When I first came here, I heard the secretary say that you resigned?"

Seeing that Chen Ruxin just watched herself not speak, the eyes under Chu Yue's lenses flickered, and then she said: "Sorry, I shouldn't be concerned about your private affairs."

"Don't worry, the studio will arrange other consultants for you." Chen Ruxin said: "Due to some personal reasons, I have to leave."

"Is it an engagement?"

Chen Ruxin couldn't help but glanced at him more and nodded: "Yeah."

"Congratulations." When Chu Yue said these two words, the smile on his face faded unconsciously.

Chen Ruxin nodded slightly: "Thank you."

Then I started to get into the topic. Chen Ruxin talked to him in the same way as before. Chen Ruxin found out that the other party seemed to be reluctant to cooperate, and instead said something irrelevant to him.

A few more days passed, and this day was the last treatment with Chu Yue.

On that day, there was almost no progress, and Chen Ruxin discovered a bit of a surprise. The other party seemed to be proficient in psychology, and some skills were better than her own.

When he was leaving, Chu Yue stopped Chen Ruxin who was about to leave. Chen Ruxin looked back at him and asked, "Is there anything else?"

"Does that man love you?" Chu Yue asked a very strange question.

Chen Ruxin didn't want to answer this question, because the answer was obvious, but she nodded, "Yeah."

Seeing Chen Ruxin turned and left, the expression on Chu Yue's face instantly became gloomy: "...I will never make you wish." This sentence seemed to be crushed from the depths of the throat and suppressed, and like a hell demon.  Moaning makes people shudder.

The time flickered to the end of the month, and it was the day of engagement.

Chen Ruxin had met Xue Mingxuan's parents a long time ago. Because he was a student of Professor Tan, Xue Mingxuan's parents would not be too obvious even if they didn't like them, so Chen Ruxin felt very good.

I don't know how the original owner succeeded in getting engaged with Xue Mingxuan in the original plot. It probably won't be easier than I am now.

Chen Ruxin sat in the bridal lounge, and the stylist put on her custom-made earrings and necklaces before she stood up and walked out.

Even if he saw Chen Ruxin wearing a cheongsam-style mermaid skirt in front of him for the second time, Xue Mingxuan's heart beat wildly. He thought he was not a man who paid attention to the appearance of women, but he was still amazed by the man in front of him.

Chen Ruxin's exquisite features are absolutely superior, even if he has read countless people, he has to admit that she deserves the word natural beauty. Yan Wushuang is not vulgar when used on her. Maybe her breath is too cold, like that.  The enthusiasm of the big red only makes her more noble and glamorous, and the calm and graceful gestures are the most exciting.

Xue Mingxuan exclaimed: "I really don't want you to dress like this to meet guests."

Chen Ru thought for a while, "Change one?"

Xue Mingxuan looked at her reluctantly and laughed: "You will spoil me like this."

Chen Ruxin: "..."


At the beginning of Hua Deng, all the guests have arrived.

The Xue family mansion, which is dignified and rigorous in structure, also adds a bit of joy.

Chen Ruxin took Xue Mingxuan's hand and walked to the guests' eyes, and everyone was happy for the pair of golden boys and girls.

When Xue Mingxuan took Chen Ruxin’s left hand, placed the engagement ring symbolizing love tokens on her ring finger, and then led Chen Ruxin to her mother. Xue’s mother took a jade bracelet and put it on her left wrist.  Then I drank engagement wine.

Seeing this, the emcee began to push the atmosphere to a climax.

"Next, I invite all guests to sit down and take a seat, and two newcomers to toast to all the guests!"

The two toasted to each table in order, and Chen Ruxin gradually came to the back and felt a little powerless.  Seeing this, Xue Mingxuan helped her to sit down on the sofa in the bridal lounge and said, "You take a rest first, and I will be back after the last few tables."

Chen Ru squinted her eyes and leaned on the sofa, with a soft pillow in her arms, and she responded softly: "Yeah."

The footsteps went away, and Chen Ruxin subconsciously rubbed the soft pillow in his arms. It may be that he was too tired to eat at noon, and now his stomach feels very uncomfortable.

She slept drowsy, and she didn't know how long it had passed. She seemed to hear footsteps in her ears. She thought it was Xue Mingxuan who was back, and did not open her eyelids. She whispered, "You are back..."

The footsteps stopped, and he seemed to be standing in front of him. Chen Ruxin tried to open his eyes, but was covered by a handkerchief. The other party didn't use force, and released her hand after she inhaled a little.  Before his consciousness fell into darkness, Chen Ruxin wanted to see the appearance of this person, but he seemed to be covered with a layer of tulle, and he couldn't see clearly...

The man bent down, his slender fingers gently brushed her cheeks, and the things hidden in his eyes were like beasts breaking free from the prison, exposing the naked desires inside. He leaned forward and gave a light.  The kiss fell on her eyebrows, her voice was a strong monopoly that couldn't be suppressed: "You can only be my bride."

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