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"Are you awake, do you feel uncomfortable?" Chen Ruxin supported him to make him lie as comfortable as possible.

In her eyes, Wen Danrong felt like a punch on the cotton. He only asked, "Why can't I feel aura?"

"Because this is a place of absolute spirituality."

Wen Dan Rong frowned: "A place of unparalleled spirituality?"

"A place where aura cannot be used, the monk is no different from a mortal when he arrives here." Her voice was rough, but her tone was very calm, "Does the body still hurt?"

"It won't work for fellow Taoists to bother." Wen Danrong said lightly, and then got up, but because of some dehydration, Chen Ruxin's movements were a little slow.  Wen Danrong looked at her, "What do you want to do?"

Chen Ruxin also looked at him lightly, "Do you want to die here?"

"...Do you have a way to leave?"


Wen Danrong stood up, and Chen Ruxin also stood up.

At this time, the wind became a bit colder. Compared with the previous scorching heat, as the sun disappeared, the temperature began to drop sharply.

The robe on the body can resist the erosion of the cold, but it still makes people feel cold.

For monks, the changes in the four seasons are not big, and the feeling of temperature difference is also not obvious.

But at this time, this feeling became especially obvious.

Wen Danrong's face was a little pale, and his thin lips wanted to be covered with a thin layer of cream. The lips were very dry and they should be dehydrated.

But at this time, Chen Ruxin couldn't open the storage ring at all, and couldn't pinch the tactics to use spells. He had to find a way to leave quickly.

Chen Ruxin picked up the black sword on the ground and walked towards Wen Danrong.

Wen Danrong saw that she didn't know when she walked in front of her, and subconsciously took a step back. This retreat could not stabilize, and she staggered slightly.

Chen Ruxin naturally stretched out his hand to wrap around his waist, and didn't let him fall into the sand.

Looking at his wary eyes, Chen Ruxin said slowly: "If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it a long time ago. I don't have to wait until now."

"Then I don't know what you want to do?" He attacked him when he was defenseless, but now he is saving him?

Chen Ruxin looked at the borderless desert in the distance, and said: "They are all in the middle of the door, and you can never see death without saving."

But I didn't want to, Wen Danrong heard her words, his expression seemed ridiculous and complicated, and he couldn't say anything.

Chen Ruxin turned his head and met his gentle eyes: "Although I attacked you earlier, I am not hostile to you."

Of course, there is no hostility, otherwise, how would she be caught off guard and be easily succeeded by her... Wen Danrong lowered her eyes, and her heart gradually calmed down. No matter what she wants to do, she still chooses to wait and see the changes.

Moreover, he now only feels his body is very heavy, top-heavy.  This feeling made him very uncomfortable, but instinctively he didn't want to show weakness in front of this person, so he always endured it.

Now being held in her arms, Wen Danrong is a little wondering whether he should push her away or believe her once.

He looked at the woman close at hand, "I don't know how to call a friend?"

The woman in captivity by the villainWhere stories live. Discover now