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Shock and joy were intertwined, Wen Danrong took her waist and deepened the kiss.  Only this time, Wen Danrong's movements were a little more restrained, but the strength in his hands could not help but increase.

Chen Ruxin raised his head slightly, and took the initiative to let his tongue come in, swallowing the body fluid in his mouth.  Unconsciously, Chen Ruxin was overwhelmed on the bed again...

Looking at his lustful eyes, Chen Ruxin wanted to stop it, but found that his body couldn't help it.

But at this moment, Wen Danrong let go of her, and watched her panting, with some lost eyes, there was no indifference and alienation in it.  Wen Danrong stroked her cheek, Chen Ruxin closed her eyes almost habitually, and rubbed the palm of his hand unconsciously.

Wen Danrong narrowed his eyes dangerously, lowered his head and covered her lips.

This time, Wen Danrong's movements became much gentler. He pried open her lips, licked the inner wall of her mouth, and sucked gently with the tip of her tongue.  Chen Ruxin unconsciously climbed onto his shoulder and began to kiss him back.

This kind of touch makes Wen Danrong obsessed, and he likes this feeling more than having sex.

That is a more authentic feeling of owning her, not only possessing her body, but also her heart.

Wen Danrong had an illusion in an instant that this person also loved him.

Loosen her a little bit, Wen Danrong gently wiped the ambiguous wet corners of her mouth, and smiled and said, "Is it comfortable?"

"..." Chen Ruxin returned to his senses and nodded lightly.

"The master is not allowed to let others touch you like this, even the corners of your clothes." Wen Danrong's voice is very gentle, but the scarlet under his eyes is evil and domineering: "Promise me."

"Good." In this world, except for him, who would dare to be so rude to her?

What's more, she was here for him.

Gradually, the doubts in Chen Ru's heart became clearer and clearer. She came for this person.

Because no matter which world she is in, she will meet him again.


Chen Ruxin: "..."

Wen Danrong got up, took her in his arms, and walked out of the Dongfu, as if he wanted to take her out.

This made Chen Ruxin a little surprised. He actually took himself away from this place?

"What's wrong?" Wen Danrong lowered his head and asked her.

     "where are we going?"

"Magic Domain."

At the end of the speech, Chen Ruxin was hugged by him.

Wen Danrong sacrificed Feijian. He stepped on the Feijian, propped up a barrier, and protected Chen Ru's heart in his arms.

At this time, Chen Ruxin's wrists and ankles wore shackles made of Ling Ling jade. Without aura, she was almost like a mortal.

The Demon Territory in Wen Danrong’s mouth is the most dangerous place in this continent. The monsters there are more ferocious and bloodthirsty than ordinary monsters. The reason why monsters are called monsters is that they have no spirituality and only the instinct to kill is left in their instincts.  .

However, those monsters have advanced very quickly. If it weren't for the special enchantment that prevented those monsters from leaving the demon realm, it would be difficult for this continent to escape the invasion of those monsters.

The woman in captivity by the villainWhere stories live. Discover now