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The body seems to be torn by something, and every inch of meridians emits unbearable pain.

The power in the body is at a critical point on the verge of breaking out, as if it is about to break through the body, and the faintly mixed... is a feeling of heat, such a heat is clearly erotic...

Before Chen Ruxin asked what was going on with the system in his consciousness, he heard the voice of the system: "Host, I will send you the mission information of this world..."

Following this, countless diversified information fell into the depths of Chen Ruxin's consciousness bit by bit.

For some reason, the sense of collision this time was not strong. Soon she began to merge the memory of the original owner and sort out the mission information of this world.

When the original owner was seven years old, his parents and relatives all died in the plague. Later, by coincidence, he met Shui Lanxin, the elder of the Heavenly Demon Sect.  Shui Lan Xin saw that the original master had excellent aptitude, but was an extremely rare yin spirit root in the Heavenly Spirit Roots, and was still born with a charming bone, so she was directly accepted as a true disciple by Shui Lan Xin.

Shui Lanxin's temperament is vicious, cold-blooded and uncertain, and it is neither good nor bad for the original owner.  After Shui Lanxin passed her the exercises to her, she was sent to the magic cave to practice, and she didn't care about it ever since.

When the original major was enough to leave the devil's cave, he got the news that Shui Lanxin had died in the hands of a sword repairman in the late Yuan Ying period.

The original owner does not have deep feelings for Master Shui Lan, and his temperament is gloomy. In addition, he practiced the exercises too special, and he was born into a furnace. Therefore, he was coveted by the strong in the magic door.  When Shui Lan's heart was still there, even if others coveted her pure yin body in their hearts, they did not easily attack her.

But she also knew that if she hadn't been for the shelter of Shui Lanxin, she would have become a cargo that everyone could rob, and she had always remembered this kindness in her heart.

So, the original owner hid alone in the depths of the Great Wilderness in order to avoid those monsters. She spent five hundred years to upgrade her cultivation base from the Jindan to the late Yuan Ying stage, and then left the Great Wilderness and returned to the Heavenly Demon Sect.

Now that her cultivation level has reached Yuan Ying, the old monsters of the Demon Sect who wanted to capture her as a furnace have rested their minds.  The strong Yuan Ying have their own life-saving methods and trump cards, and no one will directly deal with the Yuan Ying repairers if they are not a last resort.

At that time, the original owner was already one of the Seven Demon Envoys.

People in the realm of comprehension call her the Demon Envoy. She practiced exercises to control people's desires at will. Compared with the Shulan Xin of the past, she is more sophisticated and free to do what she wants. It seems to be a natural ability, which is the power of God and cannot resist.  .

After arranging everything secretly, the original owner finally found the sword repairman who killed Shui Lanxin.

However, when the original owner confronted the sword repairer, he was still careless. Not only was he discerning his identity, but Dantian was also injured by the opponent's sword aura. In the end, he just planted the magic seed in the sword repair sea of ​​consciousness and moved the teleportation formation to leave.

Unfortunately, the teleportation formation was destroyed by the sword repair midway, and the original owner was almost torn to pieces by the space. Fortunately, he had a life-saving magic weapon to protect him from entering another space.

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