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Chen Ruxin raised his head.

But he saw him smiling at her gracefully, and stretched out a slender but unusually pale hand to her, "Would you like to follow me?"

This person looked only 27 years old and possessed the deep and three-dimensional handsome facial features unique to the vampire family. His pale face without a trace of blood had no gloomy and cold aura. Those deep blue pupils reflected her appearance.

Chen Ruxin looked at him with an inexplicable sense of familiarity. The vampire in front of him should be Chester Klein. She nodded, then put her hand on his cold palm.

The moment he held her hand, Chester lowered his eyes slightly to hide the warm and paranoid feelings that flashed under his eyes. He held Chen Ruxin's hand very gently and helped her to get up.

When Chen Ruxin thought he was leaving, Chester swept his eyes over those visitors who could not tell whether they were human or blood.

At that moment, Chen Ruxin felt a burst of invisible pressure, although it was not obvious.  But when Chen Ruxin saw the expressions of fear on the faces of the people in the auction room, she realized that this was a bloodline suppression and a silent warning.

Chester Klein is the only pure-blood in the world today.

It was already midnight when I left the auction room.

The Gothic architecture looked lonely and lonely in the snowy night, and Chen Ruxin shuddered when a cold wind blew.

Perceiving Chen Ru's cold heart, Chester frowned slightly, seeming to blame himself for his carelessness.  He took off his coat and put it on Chen Ruxin's body.

Chen Ruxin turned his head slightly to look at him, always feeling a bit weird. The way he treated himself, and the care and consideration he inadvertently showed, gave Chen Ruxin an indescribable sense of violation.

Because Chen Ruxin at this time cannot explain why he treats himself well.

It is impossible for him to remember memories that do not belong to this world. Chen Ruxin breathed a white mist, and she was only wearing a thin cheongsam. Even if she was wearing Chester's coat, she still felt extremely cold.

This is a black extension car slowly approaching them.

The car stopped, and what came down was a man wearing a black tuxedo with a strict butler-like temperament, or should be called a vampire.

He wanted to step forward to open the door for the host, but Chester glanced at him indifferently, and then disappeared into the spot with a human woman in his arms.

He sighed, his owner is a pure-blood, and his status among vampires is noble, and no one can shake it.  Even the treaty signed between humans and vampires is useless to him, how can he prevent him from using vampire abilities in the public?

I can think of it again, what he has to do is to prevent what has just happened from appearing in tomorrow's online newspapers.

On the other side, Chester returned to the castle holding Chen Ruxin.

This castle has a long history, and its geographical location is relatively remote, in a shady place.

When Chester appeared, he could even hear the flapping of the wings of bats and the crows of crows.

The whole castle is standing in the snow, with a dim lamp hanging, making it look even more weird and gloomy, indeed unlike human dwellings.

After entering the castle, Chester hugged Chen Ruxin and came to the chair in front of the fireplace.

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