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Chapter 61


"No, I'm not." Genesis looked at her, and clearly had no emotions, but Chen Ruxin saw the indifference, contempt, coldness, and a little mockery.

Chen Ruxin closed his eyes and opened them again: "Genesis."

Yes, he is Genesis.

After awakening, he is no longer the previous Alfonso.  The groggy feeling struck again, and Chen Ruxin lost consciousness in his arms.

I don't know how long it has passed, and I can't feel the passage of time.

Chen Ruxin was awakened from the cold, opened his eyes, and found out where he was.

She seems to be...being locked up.

It is different from the underwater constant temperature prison of the Federal Army, because it is very cold.  Chen Ruxin's resistance has deteriorated. She seems to have some fever and her body cannot stop shaking.

Without being cut off from sound and light, Chen Ruxin leaned on the cold and solid metal wall, and did not fall asleep.

However... the eyelids are heavy, and the consciousness gradually becomes chaotic.

Chen Ruxin finally let the darkness erode his consciousness, and fell asleep all day and night.

Later, the door was opened, and a tall figure walked in backlit, unable to see his face for a while.

When someone saw the woman lying in the corner with abnormal flushing and her body trembling, her face was a little gloomy for an instant.  He walked over, squatted down, and gently beat and hugged the hot woman.

The woman who was caught in a high fever didn't know what was happening outside, but instinctively leaned toward the heat source... The gloom seemed to ease a lot, and she sighed.

Late at night, on the big bed in the palace dormitory, the woman curled up because of her body cold.

The man sitting on the bed stretched out his hand and stroked her cheek. He remembered this face. When she pierced the dagger into his back, he showed the ecstasy of success, which was ugly.

I can think of it again... that woman with a mask who went mad when facing him awakened, she would never leave her, she felt a sense of comfort, nostalgia and reluctance in her body.

That face is very ordinary, but her eyes are very beautiful, like a lake of stars, calm and attached.  But in the end she lied to him, chose the Federal Army, and chose to betray him.


What exactly does this woman want to do?  Why did you save him while killing him, and then stay with him? What is the intention?

He didn't understand.

It's just that something is breaking deep in my heart, and darkness is growing and spreading...

But if it weren't for such obsessions in his heart, his consciousness would have been swallowed up by the new powerful consciousness.

She will never be able to touch her like this anymore, and she will even be killed by the "him".

As "he" said, he should have disappeared, but he stayed because of her.

This kind of thing has never been recorded in ancient books.

After awakening, Genesis has a weak passion and a cold and strong heart. She will never let go of a human female who kills herself because of her memories.

The woman in captivity by the villainWhere stories live. Discover now