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An old and magnificent castle stands in the rose manor.

Still at night.

The moonlight was shining white, and the rose manor seemed to be covered by a thin layer of silver gauze.

There is also a woman with an enchanting figure shrouded in silver gauze.

The woman is wearing an elegant white dress with long golden curly hair hanging down. The figure from the back looks like she can't help but want to know what she looks like.

Standing in the rose garden, she raised her head slightly, looking at the full moon in the sky, as if thinking about something.

At this time, a man in a black robe walked into the rose garden.

"Master Heidi, the elder of Lapadocian sent it to you, saying that it would be handed over to you personally."

There was a voice behind her, and the woman turned around slightly, and Ye Yan Wushuang's indifferent pair of gray-blue pupils, her face looked more and more beautiful.

The golden hair was floating in the breeze, and she asked indifferently: "What is it?"

"A box." When the words fell, the servant offered things with both hands.

She stretched out her hand to take it, and opened it casually, her eyes moving slightly.

It was a crown, with a familiar atmosphere remaining on it.

...That's right for that person.

The woman's red lips moved slightly: "Sister Ah Qin..."

After all, she didn't go to her wedding that day, because she knew how it would end, so she didn't want to see such a scene.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, you can still deceive yourself and others.

Tell yourself that she did not die.

Looking at the gorgeous crown in the box, Bella looked at the servant who was kneeling in front of her, and said, "I'll take the things. Go back and tell your hostess, don't be nosy in the future."

"..." The servant lowered his head slightly, then turned into a bat and disappeared in place.

Bella picked up the crown, and under the silver moonlight, the crown glowed brightly and restrained.

"Even so, I still believe that you are not dead." Bella's red lips curled slightly, "I know, you will definitely come back again... Sister Ah Qin..."



Back in time.

In a small town east of the border.

Qinglian stood in the place where it once existed as a holy land. Now the barrier has been broken, and people can come and go freely here.

Xing Ye stood beside her and asked, "Although the city of Angelo is deep, it is a good leader for the church."

"Yeah." Qing Lian replied softly.

Angelo, who was once the son of the Holy See, has become the new pope of the Holy See.

Today, the Holy See is in Angelo's hands and no longer lives in the dark.  That layer of haze lingering on the Holy See has now been completely dissipated.

"Aqin, let's go." Xing also held her hand tightly.

At this time, Xing was no longer in the shape of a child, and Qing Lian seemed to be nestled in his arms.

She looked at Xing Ye and smiled slightly: "Okay."

Leaving the holy place, the two of them agreed and walked in the other direction.

After a while, I came to an ancient town.

This small town is far away from the war because of its remote location, making the whole town look comfortable and peaceful.

Qinglian and Xing Ye walked through the stone-paved road and came to a residence.

At the door, a little girl spotted them. Perhaps she was surprised at their outfits and their different colors. The little girl tilted her head and looked at them who were parked in place, and asked, "Are you lost?"

"No." Qinglian's voice was gentle, and she looked at the blond child, "Your name is... Adele, isn't it?"

"Huh?" The child was even more surprised, "Do you know me?"

Qing Lian smiled and nodded slightly: "I know your mother Miria."

"Ah... are you looking for my mother?" Adele said with a bitter face, "but my mother went to the next town with my father today, not at home..."

"It doesn't matter." Qinglian walked to her, took two cyan fruits and handed them to her, "This is for you and Miria."

Adele looked at the person in front of him, and subconsciously took the fruit in her hand.

"I'm leaving now, Adele wants to listen to her mother."

Adele nodded, "Yeah."

Qing Lian smiled and disappeared into the crowd with Xing again.


That night, Miria, who had returned from the town next door, returned home, and her daughter Adele took her into the house, and then took out the two fruits.

"Mom, look, what kind of fruit is this?"

Millia looked at the fruit wrapped in spiritual energy in her daughter's hand, and she couldn't help but frowned: "Adele, my mother didn't say that you can't take other people's things at will."

"It's not my mother." Adele didn't know how to explain it for a while. "Today I ran into two people. One of the beautiful sisters said that she knew her mother. This fruit was given by that sister..."

Miria was shocked and hurriedly asked:

"Adele...what does that person look like?"

Adele thought about it for a while and said, "It's very beautiful and looks different from us."

Miria said in a daze: "Are that person's hair and eyes black?"

"Yes, mother."

Miria took the fruit in Adele's hand and laughed. At that moment, she cried with joy: "Sure enough...you are still alive."

"...Mom, why are you crying?" Adele panicked, wiping her mother's tears hurriedly.

"Mum didn't cry." Miria smiled and hugged her daughter tightly.



For Qing Lian and Xing Ye, crossing time and space nowadays is just a matter of breathing.

After a thousand years.

The ancient castle looks even more gloomy because of the loss of its owner.

Xing Ye didn't even think about the past. He stood beside Qing Lian, holding her hand in his hand.

This is enough.

Seemingly knowing what he was thinking, Qing Lian only stayed for a while, then turned and left.

She also wants to see Bella in this time and space, the Bella who volunteered to become a vampire because of herself...

I saw Bella for the first time in a dream.

At that time, she was full of heart to bring Xing Ye back from the reincarnation, because it was not so smooth in that world, she called Bella to her.

Only after waking up from the dream, Bella will not remember herself at that time.

In a short time, Qinglian came to the Rose Manor where Bella was located.

At this time, the moon is in the middle of the sky.

Bella, who was standing in the rose garden, seemed to notice something, clenched the crown in her hand, and suddenly turned around...

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