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Chapter 46

I don’t know how long it has passed, maybe ten days, maybe half a month, maybe three months... Chen Ruxin clearly felt that his consciousness was slowly becoming weak and it became more and more difficult to stay awake. It was about too long.  No more energy from the crystal nucleus...

The redness of Chen Ruxin's retina is getting darker and darker, and what he can see is getting blurry.

It turns out that the death of zombies is like this...

However, just when Chen Ruxin thought she was going to leave this world completely, she was in a daze, she actually saw an extremely familiar phantom...

Is it an illusion?

At the moment when Chen Ru's mind fell into darkness, Chen Lingshao's low and depressive voice seemed to be heavy, and a long-lost name called out from his mouth: "...Sister, I found you."

Chen Lingshao stood in front of her, her trousers were wet with sea water, she saw her almost broken body, she said nothing, the dull pain from her heart made his throat scream like a beast...

"Why, why did you leave me... Why lie to me... Why do you hate me so much? I just love you, why do you hate me so much? Just because I am your nominal younger brother?" Chen Ling Shaoqian  The gray pupils are getting darker and darker, like a dangerous and terrifying swamp.

His eyes fell on the wound of her broken arm, squatted down, and suddenly smiled, he smiled and stroked her broken arm, and softly whispered: "Do everything possible, just to leave me? Look, you're hurt... Really.  You are not good, sister, you are not good... From the very beginning, you lied to me, afraid that I would kill you to take the crystal core and bear the humiliation. You can tolerate other men approaching you and hugging you, but I can’t be the only one...  When you took the initiative to get close to me, what a humiliation to you..."

Chen Lingshao recalled everything in the past, everything is connected...

Suddenly, I hate it!  Jealousy drives him crazy!

Unconsciously, Chen Lingshao's hand unexpectedly stopped at the center of her forehead and took out her crystal core. She would die, and she would die completely.  Never show disgust in his eyes again, never run away from his side... Anyway, his time is running out. It's better to die together, not to be together before death, and to have the same acupuncture point after death.

The pale and slender fingertips lightly touched the center of her eyebrows, but at the moment he started his hands, his hands were trembling...

"... As expected, I still can't get down." Chen Lingshao's voice was extremely hoarse, and he raised his hand to cover the water in his eyes to prevent his tears from falling.

The breath of Chen Lingshao's body changed slightly. The creatures that were attached to Chen Ru's body seemed to have heard the breath of natural enemies, and quickly left her body and disappeared into the sea.

From the space, he took out a few pure and bright crystal cores and placed them on her eyebrows. Watching the color of the crystal cores gradually darken, Chen Lingshao lifted her broken body with trembling hands. His movements were extremely light, as if  I'm afraid I will hurt her.

The waves rolled, and the darkness seemed to swallow up the man standing on the reef, but he couldn't do anything about it anyway.

The white light of the sky shone on the sea.  The man just walked on the sea with the mutilated female zombie in this way, and the slightly undulating but forcibly suppressed wave surged, as if unwilling but unable to resist, he was extremely wronged.

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