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At that moment, the eyes of each other touched slightly, and Wen Danrong's eyes moved slightly, "You..."

"Don't talk." Chen Ru's heart and mind are all on the remnant soul of the phoenix, even if it is just a ray of remnant soul, it makes people a headache.  One carelessness will result in burns and even annihilation.

But now Chen Ruxin can only suppress the cultivation base during the foundation construction period, and it is inevitable that he is a little bit unafraid.

Wen Danrong was silent, his gaze fell on the remnant phoenix soul that had lost his tracking target, and then he glanced at the woman standing in front of him. Her eyes were dark and she couldn't see what she was thinking.

This Phoenix Remnant Soul is also a chance. He is a sword repairman. If he can conquer this remnant soul, he can bring the Flying Sword to a higher rank.

It's just that it's a little difficult to deal with. If it wasn't for the magic weapon gifted by Taoist Xuanqing, I'm afraid he would have been burned by the Phoenix's true fire at this time.

However, at this moment, Chen Ruxin suddenly turned her head, and the attack in his hand attacked him——

Unprepared Wen Danrong was a little surprised, but instinctively sacrificed his own destiny and wanted to block her attack.  But Chen Ruxin's movements were so fast that he couldn't see clearly. He received a heavy blow in his belly, and that blow made his limbs dull. The flying sword in his hand fell to the ground, and his consciousness fell into darkness involuntarily.  middle.

Hugging his soft body, Chen Ruxin put away his fateful flying sword again, and then sighed: "It's an expedient measure, otherwise none of us can get out of here today." After finishing speaking, Chen Ruxin let his back rest.  Shibi sat down and added a restraint to him to prevent him from being attacked unconsciously.

Standing up, Chen Ruxin's cultivation base changed from the late foundation stage to the late Yuan Ying stage. The robe moved without wind. Chen Ruxin did not use the red diamond, but sacrificed a black sword.  This sword was originally found by the original owner from under the cliff in the depths of the Great Wilderness, but it was a pity that this sword was too evil. Although it was strong, the user could easily become its puppet if the character was not strong.

As soon as this sword was taken out, it blatantly told others that he was a demon cultivator. Moreover, the cultivation base that was suppressed to the foundation building period alone could not control the sword, so Wen Danrong had to sleep for a while.

Without hesitation, Chen Ruxin walked out of the blind corner of the formation and came to the front of the remnant phoenix soul.

Perceiving the human breath, the phoenix spread its crimson wings and swept toward the tiny human being in front of him. Chen Ruxin drew his sword to resist. The sword in her hand had the same effect as the real fire of the phoenix. It could hurt the soul, it was the remnant soul of the phoenix.  Nemesis.

However, the phoenix fire burned all things, and the sword in Chen Ruxin's hand was a thing of evil and evil, so it was also damaged.

The phoenix remnant soul let out a sorrowful scream, there was a piece missing on its wings, and the flame on its body seemed to be much smaller.  Chen Ruxin looked down at the black sword in her hand and also began to resist her control. She wanted to resist, but was firmly suppressed by her soul.

On the black sword, there are traces of the phoenix fire burning. Chen Ru's heart did not stop, and the wind rose up to chop the puppet god of the remnant phoenix soul to pieces!

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