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Qing Lian retracted her gaze, her clothes were covered by albizia flowers, and when she got up, the petals fell on the white fox next to her.

He is afraid that he will have to sleep for a while.

By then, all the memories in the world of reincarnation will be remembered by him.

Including his initial memory, his memories of being crazy for countless times...

Qinglian walked out of the court, and Roots waited outside.

Seeing her coming out, Roots was slightly blessed and said: "Qinglian, Hongjun Daozu wants to see you."

"Yeah." Qinglian nodded slightly, she knew.

She already knew that Hongjun would be here.

But after taking a few steps, he saw Si Jiu leading a purple-robed Taoist man.

Qing Lian slightly bowed and said: "Friends of Hongjun Daoist."

"Friends of Qinglian Daoist." Hongjun also slightly responded. At this time, Hongjun's Dharma image was maintained in the youth, except for the same realm, no one could see the Sage's Dharma image.

Both of them are one of the three thousand demon gods that existed since the beginning of Chaos, and now they are both Dao saints.

Qinglian and him came under the linden tree, and both sat down on the futon.

After a while, Si Jiu stepped forward to serve tea and then stepped back.

Hongjun held up the cup and took a sip of tea. Seeing Qinglian staring in a daze in an unknown direction, he said, "Daoist Qinglian is still unwilling to abandon his obsession."

This sentence is a statement. Hongjun is the spokesperson of the Way of Heaven, so he doesn't have feelings at all. This sentence sounds even more indifferent.

Qing Lian lowered her head, looked at the cup of tea in her hand, and whispered back: "Heaven's ruthlessness is the rule, and the avenue is sentimental to moisturize everything." After speaking, Qing Lian raised her head to look at the purple-robed Taoist in front of her, Hong Jun.  Excluding any emotions in his eyes, it is more like a machine that maintains the rules of heaven.

I don’t know what I remembered, Qinglian took a sip of tea, and said slightly, "Daoist Hongjun thinks, what is Tao?"

He is a Taoist ancestor who once taught the Three Thousand Great Ways to the heaven and earth creatures. This time, when Qinglian asked this question, she couldn't help but look at her and said, "Three thousand Great Ways are all."

The fragrance of tea is refreshing and refreshing.

The two people on the futon sat opposite each other and looked at each other.

Hongjun did not forget his purpose here. He said: "The existence of Tianxue is not tolerated by the heavens. If the Daoist Qinglian did his own way, there would be no such person as Xing Ye now.  The world is unstable, but it is a variable. Daoist Qinglian is now the same Dao saint like me, so I should know in my heart."

Naturally, I know it.

Whether it is Tian Xing or Xing Ye, it is not tolerated by heaven.

Qinglian looked at Hongjun in front of her, bowed her head slightly, poured a cup of tea for him, and slowly said: "If the chaos is first opened, if it were not for the punishment of heaven, there would be no today's Qinglian. The cycle of cause and effect has brought today's Qinglian.  With Xing Ye."

"Friends of Daoist Qinglian still insist on doing this?"

Qinglian touched the edge of the cup with her fingers, and said, "Why Daoist Hongjun asks again?"

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