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Qing Lian lowered her head, confronted the golden pupils glowing with water, and said softly: "Let's show it to you when I go back."

"...A Qin." Xing Ye put his arms around her neck tightly with little hands, and buried his head on the side of her neck, as if he was calming down.

Qing Lian glanced at the paper bag, and when she thought of it, the paper bag disappeared in place and was collected in her Xumi space.

Holding the little fox in his arms, let him rub his furry head against his neck, and stretch his hand to caress his back.

The patter of rain outside did not know when it stopped.

A few rays of gentle sunshine poured in and fell on the two of them, and the atmosphere was warm and beautiful.

It's the day to leave.

The continuous rain outside has stopped and the weather has become warmer.

Qing Lian went downstairs and left the room first, and Xing, who was in her arms, also embarked on the apocalyptic journey.

The time of the reincarnation world is not equal, so in Qinglian once again came to the world where the zombies were rampant, and did not see the zombies.

The world is still as desolate as ever, with vicissitudes of suffering.

"Aqin, where are we going?" Xing Ye lay on her shoulders, looking at the world created by her own hand, with only a indifferent eye.

Qinglian didn't want to go where she wanted to go, just said: "Just walk around."

Because of the existence of the son of luck, there are no longer zombies everywhere here.

The place where Qinglian was standing was very close to Cangyun Base, and the city walls and strong high buildings of Cangyun Base could be seen from a distance.

Humans have built cities, and the virus has found a solution. The remaining zombies are slowly removed and isolated from the city walls.

The whole world has begun to become stable.

Human beings no longer panic and start to thrive, and the earth begins to regain some vitality.

The earth that was once damaged by meteorites began to appear green.

Water has also begun to become drinkable.

Along the way, Qinglian saw the vehicle and the newborn.

At this moment, a green pickup truck drove by the two of them. Xing also glanced inside the car, but quickly retracted his gaze and continued to lie on Qinglian's shoulders.

However, at this moment, Lu Qingcang was keenly aware of something.

Through the rearview mirror of the car, I only saw a young but not weak woman holding a child in her arms. The woman was a bit face-to-face, but... it felt like deja vu.

For no reason, Lu Qingcang looked at the child in the woman's arms...

I was a little surprised.

"Boss, your phone rings..."

Hearing the voice of his driver, Lu Qingcang recovered his senses, took out the communicator, and when he saw the number displayed on it, his eyes softened instantly, and he picked up: "Xi Yue..."

After hanging up the phone, when Lu Qingcang looked at the rearview mirror, he could no longer see the figure.

He looked at the Gobi and Huangsha outside the window, and suddenly a figure flashed in his mind...

... Chen Lingshao.

If a person is reincarnated, he must have come to this world again.

I hope I can meet you again.

My best friend.



     "let's go."

Qing Lian nodded: "Okay."

In no time, the two disappeared on the Gobi Desert.

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