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But Zhou Chaoqing did not lose his mind, this is the palace, and this person is the crown prince.

If this scene is discovered, then the person facing her will be executed in this deep palace. The imperial concubine and the eunuch have an affair. How can the royal family be exposed to this scandal?

Even if she is still Princess Chen Guochang.

No one in this world will tolerate this happening.

Zhou Chaoqing was not strong enough, but pushed her away very firmly, then knelt on the ground and knocked her head on the ground.

"The prince concubine and empress forgive the crime, but the slave offends the empress, please be punished."

Chen Ruxin was taken aback by his actions, and an indescribable emotion appeared in his eyes.  She slowed down, and said softly: "Get up, what's wrong with you?"

"A slave is an incomplete body, humble and muddy. The status of the prince and concubine is noble, and the slave dare not blaspheme."

What he said suddenly made Chen Ruxin sober.

Yes, there is a big gap between the identities of the two in this life, and the rules of this world are extremely strict. There can be no results between her and Zhou Chaoqing.

But even so, Chen Ruxin wants to be with him.  It had nothing to do with his identity, and even everything he said was not an obstacle to her.

It's just that, should Zhou Chaoqing bear the disdain and abuse of the world with her?

Before this, the gap between the two people will be eliminated.  If she was not a princess, he wouldn't have to be able to leave this palace until he died.

So, will the ending be different?

Chen Ru grabbed what he was thinking, and slowly got off the bed.

Stepping barefoot on the Shu mattress, the golden bells on the ankles made a crisp sound, and Zhou Chaoqing, who was kneeling on the ground, was forced to hold back and did not raise her head and let her put on embroidered shoes without letting the cold breath into her body.

Zhou Chaoqing knelt on the ground.

Chen Ruxin walked slowly in front of him, squatted down and stretched out his hand to help him up.

Zhou Chaoqing got up, met her eyes, and suddenly felt like doing something wrong.

In those eyes, they were very calm, but inexplicably made him feel a touch of sadness.

Where does this feeling come from?

Zhou Chaoqing didn't understand, and what she didn't understand was that she would have longing for a handicapped eunuch.

She was so obvious that Zhou Chaoqing could not deceive herself, saying that this was the behavior she wanted to win over herself.

She even kicked the prince on the night of her wedding with the prince. This is not something a cowardly person would dare to do.

What's more, she was originally a princess of a country, so how could she surrender her status to win over an eunuch who has no real power in order to benefit and survive.

But it was precisely because of this that Zhou Chaoqing felt that all development had already deviated from his original plan.

Zhou Chaoqing lowered his head, showing a respectful and humble appearance.

"I won't teach you embarrassment." Chen Ruxin let go of her hand and slowly said, "So, you don't have to be so despised."

Zhou Chaoqing's hands trapped in his sleeves trembled unconsciously, but his voice could not be heard: "Yes."

The woman in captivity by the villainWhere stories live. Discover now