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Chapter 19 The First Pick (19) Foreknowledge in Dreams

When he arrived at the bureau, Xue Mingxuan did not come to inquire in person. Instead, he handed the matter over to the young criminal policeman who was responsible for picking up Chen Ruxin. His name was Zhang Zeyi.

Although Zhang Zeyi looks young, he is very sophisticated in doing things, and his upright aura is really easy to make people with a guilty conscience feel embarrassed.  It is a pity that I met Chen Ruxin, a person who lacks happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy, let alone any unnecessary reaction to such a scene.

Zhang Zeyi asked a few key questions step by step, and Chen Ruxin answered him calmly, without deliberately avoiding his questions.

After finishing the transcript, it was already noon.  When Chen Ruxin walked out of the police station, Zhang Zeyi chased her up and handed her a mobile phone, "This is from Team Xue asked me to hand it over to you." Chen Ruxin took it. This is exactly the mobile phone she dropped at Xue's house at the engagement banquet.  , Said "thank you" with him.

He stretched out his hand and stopped a taxi, and after reporting an address, Chen Ruxin closed his eyes and rested.

Xue Mingxuan is already suspicious, but there is no evidence, and Xing Ye cannot be moved for the time being.  Speaking of which, Xing Ye's nationality is not Chinese, and Xing Ye is cautious in doing things, and he definitely won't leave him any handle.

But Xue Mingxuan is already suspicious, which means that the world has run out of time for her.  If you can't complete the mission before Xing Ye is shot and killed by Xue Mingxuan, then you will face failure.

The system once said that the ending of this world will not change, so Xing Ye's ending means that he is destined to die on November 27.  But what Chen Ruxin didn't understand was what made Xing Ye finally able to "resurrect" to destroy the world.  Is the death on November 27 just an illusion?  Or what did you learn before you died that made your heart full of resentment and unwillingness to be born again?

Thinking of this possibility, Chen Ruxin suddenly opened his eyes, which means that the key to Xing Ye's blackening is not only the stimulation of the original owner before his death, but other things.  But what exactly is this "other thing"?

Could it be that Bai Xiaoya, the heroine of this world, learned what important information?

Bai Xiaoya, Chen Ruxin has not really faced the heroine of this world.  It can be seen from the information provided by the system that Bai Xiaoya is a calm and wise woman and a natural soldier.

Are you going to find Bai Xiaoya?

Just as Chen Ruxin was thinking about it, the taxi had stopped, and Chen Ruxin got off after paying the money.

This is where Xing Ye lives, which is very different from the scenery I saw when I came last night.  The terrain is high and the transportation is convenient, and the surroundings are all connected with beautiful surroundings. It is worthy of being a well-known rich area in S City.

After the taxi left, Chen Ruxin walked slowly for a while, thinking that he might find some time to meet Bai Xiaoya. Even if he didn't get any useful information, he could tell some clues from the system.

Today is November 7, which means that the remaining time is less than one month.

She doesn't have Bai Xiaoya's contact information, how can she make an appointment with the other party?  Chen Ru thought to himself, it seemed that he could only see Xue Mingxuan again.

Only the housekeeper and the nanny are at home, and Xing will come back at night.  After lunch, Chen Ruxin went upstairs and changed the clothes she was out to into comfortable home clothes by the way.

Chen Ruxin was sitting on the single sofa in the bedroom, with floor-to-ceiling windows on the right, and the sunlight outside sporadically spilled in through the floor-to-ceiling curtains.  There were a few delicate pink roses on the glass round table. Chen Ruxin's eyes fell on the white notebook in front of him. Chen Ruxin opened it and found that it hadn't been used yet.  This computer is undoubtedly prepared for her.

I opened the webpage and browsed current affairs news. When I saw that several homicides that were not previously reported have been reported one after another.  Chen Ruxin moved the mouse to pull down the page. Although it was more cryptic, it already showed that the police were very sure about this case.

Even the system has begun to make itself as fast as possible, it seems that there is really no way.

Chen Ruxin sat for a while, and went to bed in the morning when he got tired.

After closing her eyes, her consciousness soon became chaotic. This feeling...


The soul fell down quickly as if being pulled by something, and the body seemed to have lost its center of gravity, as if being caught in a whirlpool involuntarily.  When she stopped, Chen Ruxin barely recovered a little self-awareness.

There is a large sea of ​​white and golden flowers in front of me. There is a tomb in the sea of ​​flowers, on which is clearly written "The Tomb of Beloved Wife Chen Ruxin".

Is she dead?  The reason why Chen Ruxin believed that what was buried in the tomb was her own memory fragments, not the memory fragments of the original owner, because there were her seniors and mentors among the people standing in front of the tomb.

So, what she sees now, is it her own future?

Regarding that he will die soon, Chen Ru has no feeling of sadness or reluctance in his heart. He just wonders who built the tomb and what happened to the words on it...

There were a lot of people who came, and Chen Ruxin couldn't see the appearance of those people, as if they were separated by a thick fog. There were a lot of people who could only vaguely see them.  However, since she traveled to this world, she has always been very cold to interact with people. Why are there so many people coming after her death?

There was a voice among the crowd, and Chen Ruxin wanted to get closer, but found that he could not get close at all, nor could he hear clearly.  Only a few words can be vaguely distinguished from the way they speak:...crazy...convicted, died...

It is impossible to tell what those people are saying.  Chen Ruxin stood in place, because she couldn't leave at all, and could only get out of here after waiting for the time to come.  She didn't see Xing Ye's figure, nor Xue Mingxuan's. Her eyes fell on the tombstone's handwriting. She wanted to tell whose font it was. But for some reason, the handwriting became more and more blurred, and even double images could be seen.

Simply, Chen Ruxin no longer stared at the words on the tombstone.  She looked around and found that this place was very strange, not like a cemetery, but like a private garden.  But who would erect a tombstone in his garden?

Gradually, there are fewer and fewer people, and the sky is darkening at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Chen Ruxin could almost smell the moisture in the air, but she couldn't leave, and the rain began to fall.  It was clearly the end of winter, and the cold rain hit the petals, and the yellow and white white chrysanthemum was still blooming proudly in the rain.

After a while, a man in a black suit came over here holding a black umbrella. Behind him was a woman in a plain dress. The woman also held a black umbrella in her hands.  , Chen Ruxin couldn't see the appearance of the two people clearly.

The two individuals got closer and closer. They walked in front of Chen Ruxin, and they were clearly in front of them, but they were separated by a force that prevented her from approaching.  Seeing the two people staying at the tomb, they seemed to be arguing about something, Chen Ruxin could only watch from a distance, and could not get any useful information from the two people's dispute.

There are only a few people in this world who care about their own death.  Through the method of elimination and his own guessing, Chen Ruxin probably confirmed the identities of these two individuals in his heart.

So what about Xing Ye?  Where did he go?

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