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Afterwards, Chen Ruxin lay on the bed somewhat relieved.

Genesis got up and took care of his clothes. When he saw the blood stains on the sheets, he asked in a low voice, "You haven't done anything with'him'?"

At this time, wherever Chen Ruxin had the strength to answer his words, she answered vaguely and fell asleep.

Genesis saw her naked white skin with dots of bluish-purple traces, especially on her waist, the traces were very dark.  He took a handkerchief to clean her up, then covered her with a quilt, and then Genesis left.

Soon after he left, it was dawn.

Chen Ruxin slept into the afternoon, enduring the soreness of his whole body, got up, and changed clothes after taking a shower.

The maid came over and took away the clothes that needed to be changed for her. Perhaps she saw the traces on Chen Ru's neck. The maid lowered her head and smiled, and quickly bowed back.

Nigel, the royal housekeeper, seemed to have had time to come over and prepared food for her that was easier for humans to digest.

After Chen Ruxin sat down, he realized that Nigel today seemed a little different from usual. When he raised his head, he found that he was also looking at himself.

"What's wrong?" Chen Ruxin asked.

Nigel lowered his head slightly, and said in a gentle voice: "Miss A Qin looks a little tired."

"..." Thinking of last night, Chen Ru paused, and then calmly said: "Maybe I didn't sleep well."

Nigel swept across her neck inadvertently, then lowered her head slightly and said, "Then you have to pay more attention to taking care of yourself."

"Well, I will." Chen Ruxin responded.

Nigel bowed down after Chen Ruxin had eaten.

As usual, Chen Ruxin was walking in the garden.  It's just that my legs are really sore, so I leaned against a tree to rest, there was no one around, and the afternoon sun was not hot, I sat on the grass, leaned back against the tree trunk, and took a nap with half-squinted eyes.

Through the not-so-transparent window, Nigel glanced at the human woman not far away, then turned his back and left.

As usual, Nigel went to another place after checking that there was nothing wrong.

That is the warehouse of the royal palace. Compared with other places, it looks a little dark and there are no court guards to watch.

Nigel took the key, opened and closed the door, and put the things he brought over in order.  In the dark, the black pupil on his right turned blue. It was an artificially implanted eye with a miniature brain embedded in it.

Soon, a holographic image appeared in front of him. Although it was a holographic image, he couldn't see the true face of the other party at all.

"Report, the target is determined to be in the Palace of Augustus, Genesis has not moved yet, please give instructions."

"Is the target really taken away by Genesis?"

"Except for Genesis, there are no other candidates in the bottom of my mind."

"Continue to stand by."

"Okay, Your Excellency Marshal."


The holographic image disappeared, and the blue pupils became black again.

In just a minute, he turned and left the warehouse, locked the door, and met Derek, the captain of the palace guard, on the way back.

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