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Chapter 16 The first pick (16) leaves intentionally

After all, reason surpassed the idea of ​​licentiousness. I didn’t want to hurt her or see her showing fear in her eyes... Just thinking about it, Xing also felt that his heart was throbbing, and he slowly moved away from her lips and fingertips.  Gently wipe away the ambiguous marks on the corners of her mouth.

Seeing that Chen Ruxin was a little lost, Xing also kissed her eyes affectionately, and said hoarsely, "Sorry, but I just couldn't help it."

Chen Ruxin, who gradually recovered, shook her head, then raised her wet eyes to look at him, and said, “Don’t get angry because of irrelevant people. I only do this to you, and I don’t know how to do it.  To make you feel at ease, I don't hate you for treating me like this, although it was very rough just now..."

"..." Xing's breathing was stagnant. At this time, why didn't he realize the reason for her previous initiative? It's just that this feeling of being treated kindly by someone he likes made his whole heart seem to be soaked in warm water and swelled.  It hurts, but I feel extremely happy.

Xing never thought that one day he would use "happiness", the most distant word for him, to himself, and it would be appropriate.  He silently hugged her tightly into his arms, with his chin resting on her neck, he said the words that had been hidden deep in his heart: "I'm just afraid that you will leave me, I can't bear you leaving me again, I'm afraid  I will go crazy and do things that hurt you."

     again?  Did you count the incident six years ago?  Chen Ruxin also reached out and hugged his waist and said, "I will not leave you unless I die."

Xing was also surprised by the words she uttered casually, and raised his hand to cover her lips, "Don't talk nonsense."

"Okay," Chen Ruxin's attitude was extremely obedient, "Listen to you."

Xing Ye put down the hand covering her lips and said, "I can take you out of here, but I am not allowed to get involved with Xue Mingxuan."

"I promise you." Chen Ruxin nodded. She had no intention of having any relationship with Xue Mingxuan anymore.

After the decision was made in this way, Xing Ye asked Chen Ruxin to wear more at night and prepare to leave at night.

This place became very cold at night, so Chen Ruxin dressed a lot, and Xing also opened the car door for her, and then got in the car when she was ready.

The car drove smoothly all the way, Chen Ruxin ate medicated food for dinner, and several Chinese medicines were added to the soup, which happened to have calming ingredients. At this time, she couldn't help feeling a little sleepy.  Seeing this, Xing gestured towards the driver in front, and the speed started to slow down.

The heating was turned on in the car, and Xing also hugged her in his arms, and whispered in her ear: "If you are sleepy, go to sleep. I will call you when you are tired."

"Yeah." Chen Ru answered vaguely and fell asleep in his arms.

Looking at her sleeping face, Xing Ye felt extremely satisfied, and the tenderness in his eyes seemed to be overflowing. It would be nice if time could stop at this moment.  Xing was not only thinking about it at this moment.

About an hour later, the car stopped in a high-end residential area.

Xing didn't have the heart to wake Chen Ruxin who was asleep, and stayed in the car all the time, letting her put her on her knees and wait for her to wake up naturally.  Even the driver did not get out of the car, because his boss was worried that the sound of the car door awakened the sleeping one.

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