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"..." Because she was so surprised, Bella lost her voice for a while, until the person had already walked to her, she took a deep breath, hugged the person in front of her, and her voice was muted: "...  Sister Ah Qin."

"Well, I'm back." Qinglian, who was held by her, raised her hand and patted her back lightly.

For a long time, Xing Ye coughed.

Bella was the first to let go of Qing Lian. She bent her eyebrows and looked at Xing Ye who was standing behind Qing Lian, with a clear smile on her face: "It turned out to be Lord Chester."

Xing Ye, with the face of the East at this time, was the first time he was recognized so easily.

Nodded slightly at her, and Xing did not deny his identity.

"I knew that Sister Ah Qin would come back. I can't say why I have such a wonderful feeling. Perhaps it is more appropriate to call it intuition. But I think this time I will have to wait a long time, and it will take a thousand years." Bella and  Qinglian walked side by side and walked into the castle, "I'm glad to see Sister Ah Qin again so soon."

With a slight smile on Qing Lian's face, she quietly listened to her talking about the world.

Perhaps it is a bit strange to Qinglian at this time, but she doesn't hate this feeling.

Beira’s castle is very luxurious, and all the furniture and portraits have traces of time precipitation.

Time becomes less real to vampires, and they even spend their endless time in deep sleep.

Ke Bella seems to have never really fallen asleep. She is still the same as a thousand years ago, more like a human being.

Although the time is different, it can no longer appear in the sun during the day.

"Sister Ah Qin, will you live in my castle tonight?" Bella looked forward to something.

Qing Lian nodded: "Okay."

So Qinglian and Xing were also taken to the most luxurious bedroom in the castle.

"Sister Ah Qin, good night." Before leaving, Bella smiled ambiguously at Xing Ye, and left a meaningful sentence, "The night is long and the moonlight is good."

Qinglian: "..."

Xing Ye smiled generously: "Thank you very much."

Bella waved her hand casually, and her figure quickly disappeared.

At night, it is the world of vampires.


On the second day, before dawn, Qing Lian woke up from Xing Ye's arms.

"Aqin, let's sleep a little longer. I lost my sense last night and made you tired." Xing Ye said this, but the actions in his hand were not the same.

Qing Lian couldn't help but laugh: "It's almost dawn, and it's almost time for us to see the owner of the castle..."

The two people have already communicated with each other, so they can understand what the other party wants to do without saying it.  Xing also thought for a while, it was not bad for a while, and he would just double the compensation when he went back.

Thinking this way, Xing also let go of Qing Lian.

When the two walked out of the bedroom, there was a servant waiting outside the door, leading them to the hall respectfully.

When we arrived in the hall, Bella was sitting on the sofa, squinting her eyes slightly.

When she heard the footsteps, Bella opened her eyes, stood up and walked towards Qinglian: "Aqin, good morning. Did you sleep well last night?"

"Thank you for the hospitality, very good." It was Xing Ye who spoke.

Qing Lian was held in his arms and was speechless for a while.

Looking at the interaction between the two people, Bella covered her lips and chuckled: "That's good, I'm afraid you won't be used to it~"

"Thank you Bella."

While speaking, the sky was white and the sun slowly rose.

"It's dawn..." Bella looked at the slightly dazzling sunlight outside the window lattice, and smiled regretfully at Qinglian: "I really want to go out with Sister Ah Qin... Unfortunately, I can only stay in the castle."

Following her gaze, Qinglian looked at the rays of light coming in through the glass window, and she could see that the sun was fine today.

But this kind of sunlight will burn Bella and even disappear into smoke.

Thinking this way, Qing Lian walked towards the outside of the castle.

Suddenly, she looked back at Bella who was still standing there, and said, "Come with me."

Passing through the dark corridor, walking towards the gate, getting closer and closer to the dazzling light source.

It only took a moment.

Qing Lian stood outside the castle, her whole body bathed in sunlight.  And Bella stood under the shadow of the castle, looking at Qing Lian. At that moment, she slowly stretched out her hand towards Qing Lian, but suddenly stopped.

The smart and sensitive Bella seemed to have noticed something. She looked at Qinglian in the sun and opened her red lips slightly: "Sister Ah Qin..."

Qing Lian did not speak, but just stretched out her hand.

At that moment, Bella was stunned, looking at the palm of her hand, the palm of her hand... is sunlight.

That is the scariest thing imprinted in the vampire instinct.

Bella breathed slightly, and quickly overcame her instincts, raised her hand and stretched it towards the sun.

"Don't be afraid," as if to appease her instinctive fear, Qinglian's voice was gentle, "It won't hurt you."

When Bella recovered, her hand was already on the palm of her hand, Bella's hand was pale without the sunlight, and the scene that was supposed to be burned by the sunlight and turned into fly ash did not happen.

"...This is?" Bella's astonishment was written on her face.

With a slight force in Qinglian's hands, Bella was bathed in the sun.

"From now on, you can live in the sun just like ordinary people." Qinglian let go of her hand and slowly said, "No more hurt by it, Bella."

But at that moment, Bella did not see happiness on her face.

She looked at Qinglian, her eyebrows drooping, as if she was a little bit reluctant, but after a long while she smiled relievedly: "Sister A Qin... are you leaving?"

Qinglian looked at her warmly and nodded gently.

"Although I feel a little disappointed, I know that Sister A Qin does not belong here." Bella's red lips curled slightly, "Sister A Qin can come back to see me, I am already very happy."


Not far from the two of them, Xing is also waiting for Qinglian.

"Finally, there is a memory for you." Qinglian approached Bella, her fingertips lightly touching her brows.  In a flash, the rose garden was blown by the wind, and the red petals were rolled up by the wind, magnificent and splendid, and it seemed to be a farewell...

When Bella opened her eyes again, there was no one in front of her.

There is only one place of rose petals left.

The sunlight was scorching, and she could even feel the temperature, like a normal human being.

Looking at the place where the person disappeared, Bella chuckled lightly:

"No wonder...no wonder I can always feel that someone is by my side. Even if I can't see it, I can still feel your presence..."

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