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Chapter 14 First Pick (14) Foot Control Welfare

When Chen Ruxin woke up the next day, her whole body was sore, she couldn't lift her mind, and due to her period, maybe it was because of a cold last night, and her lower abdomen also had throbbing pains from time to time.  At this time, Chen Ruxin looked pale and sat on the sofa in the study lounge, holding a cup of brown sugar water in her hand, and glanced at the middle-aged male doctor in a white coat behind Xing Ye.

Xu Ye Xing looked at him too hard, Chen Ruxin lowered his eyes and said, "I'm fine."

Xing Ye gave her a light look, and then turned to the middle-aged doctor next to him, "Doctor Ji."

“Ms. Chen’s pulse condition is weak, coupled with the side effects of anesthesia, it’s a normal reaction to be more lethargic these days. In addition, Miss Chen has been suffering from cold these days, causing abdominal pain during her menstrual period. The reason for her fainting is due to her poor physical fitness and  Caused by deficiency of both qi and blood." Doctor Ji looked very kind, and said in an orderly manner: "Pay attention to keep warm these days, take more rest, the ground is very cold, do not directly touch the ground. These days, you don’t need to take medicine for the time being.  Just take a little more thought."

"Send Doctor Ji." After Xing finished speaking, the housekeeper bends over and gestures to Doctor Ji.

Doctor Ji nodded slightly and left with the housekeeper. Only Chen Ruxin and Xing Ye were left in the house.

"Do you know that you are wrong?" Xing Ye stood up and walked in front of Chen Ruxin, thinking that she had fainted at the bathroom door in the morning, and wanted to blame her but couldn't bear to be angry with her, so he had to suffocate such a sentence.

"Well, you shouldn't go to the balcony to blow the cold wind at night." Chen Ruxin had to look up at him, exposing his slender and fragile neck to his eyes, "Last night I thought about things too much, so I went to sleep without paying much attention."

Xing also asked casually: "What do you want?"

"Your business." Chen Ruxin is extraordinarily honest.

"Oh?" Xing also glanced at her unclearly, "Tell me."

"I'm thinking, should I try to like you." Chen Ruxin did not avoid his scorching gaze, but said something after careful consideration: "There may be other reasons why I chose psychology as a major.  But more of it is because I discovered that I have a certain defect. I thought it was born, but now I think maybe it was lost because of an accident. If you are willing to accept this kind of me, why don't we give it a try?  "

"..." Xing Ye seemed to be confirming something, and touched her fragile and slender neck with his hand. Don't miss any subtle expressions on her face, her voice is low and slow: "You, know what you are talking about.  ?"

"I said, I want to accept your feelings." Chen Ruxin looked at him and told him word by word: "Maybe one day, I can respond to your feelings."

The corners of Xing Ye's lips were slightly raised, and his pupils were deep: "How do you respond?"

"..." Chen Ruxin really didn't think about it.

There was a blank expression on Chen Ruxin for a moment, and Xing Ye rubbed her lips lightly with her fingertips, and then smiled happily: "Let's start with the simplest."

"...?" In response to the deep and naked desire in his eyes, Chen Ru's heart stagnated, and the next moment his lips were covered with warm touch, his neck was blocked by his hands, and he could only slightly raise his head and let him pick it up.  His kiss was tender and full of strong and exclusive meaning, so that Chen Ru couldn't hide, and could only offer all the softest and most fragile parts.

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