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The man walked slowly, his expressionless face was colder than the moonlight.

The white robes moved without wind, and Wen Danrong's sight pierced Chen Ruxin's body like a sharp sword, and finally fell on Meng Tianhao's body.  He whispered: "Brother, this is the demon girl, are you going to betray the teacher?"

"It turned out to be Junior Brother." Meng Tianhao raised his mouth and smiled, but his eyes didn't care. "The test is just around the corner. Naturally, let’s have a discussion with Demon Envoy, why is Junior Brother here?" Now his cultivation base is higher than Wen Danrong.  In a realm, the cultivation world is based on the level of cultivation, and Wen Danrong has naturally changed from a senior to a junior.

"I've always been here." Wen Danrong called out his flying sword and said: "Brother wants to learn from others, I will be with you."

Originally, Meng Tianhao thought he was just talking casually, but the sword intent condensed in him at that moment made Meng Tianhao subconsciously call out his own magic weapon.

That sword intent... actually made him tremble at this Nascent Soul Stage cultivation base, saying that sword cultivation can fight at a higher level. It turns out that it is not an exaggeration at all.

What Meng Tianhao summoned was a Tai Chi diagram, which could be attacked or defended, and could protect Chen Ruxin behind him.

However, Chen Ruxin looked at the two violent swords, and his eyes drooped slightly: "Just as your junior brother said, are you going to betray my teacher and come to my Heavenly Demon Sect for me?" The melodious bell rang at night, and the depressive sound was sultry.  Hyun, her heart trembled, but she heard her voice from a long distance, "I will not choose a Taoist person to be a dual monk, and if there are different ways, we will not seek each other..."

When she recovered, her figure had disappeared in the depths of the bamboo forest, and both Meng Tianhao and Wen Danrong were a little startled.

     ……gone?  !

However, Meng Tianhao sighed in his heart, and his eyes became fierce. This Wen Danrong is really unchanging, always bad for himself!

It is during the Trial of the Secret Realm of the Master Sect, and it is also now!

If it weren't for the pure-yin daughter's face, he would have let this person gather and disperse, and how could he return to Xuan Guangzong?

From the very beginning, Meng Tianhao knew that if he wanted to successfully overcome the catastrophe and ascend to the upper realm, he needed the daughter of pure Yin to overcome the thunder and catastrophe for him, otherwise he would not be able to escape the end of death.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to neglect the women in his backyard, and quickly raised his cultivation level to the Yuan Ying stage with the technique of supplementation, and even asked the Demon Envoy to agree in the name of double cultivation.

But at the most critical moment, it was still destroyed by the evil god Wen Danrong!

Meng Tianhao didn't hate it in his heart. He looked at Wen Danrong, who was facing the sword intent Ling Ran, and sneered: "Since the brother asks for a discussion, how can the brother not agree?"

After the words fell, the Tai Chi picture rose at the feet of Meng Tianhao, countless sword formations moved with his thoughts, and countless monks died under his sword formation.  Although he wouldn't behead Wen Danrong under his sword formation at this time, he would definitely destroy his Jianxin!

He can no longer step into the Longevity Avenue for the rest of his life. He is obviously a monk, but he wants to live like a waste version.

Standing in the center of the formation, Meng Tianhao stood in the center of the formation, and the coercive pressure of Monk Yuanying submerged Wen Danrong like sea water.

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