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Chapter 15 The First Pick (15)

"...You, don't be like this." Chen Ruxin, who was at home, didn't hear what he was talking about at all, and hurriedly withdrew her feet, but found that she couldn't move anyway, so she couldn't help but look at him, "Xing also... let go  ."

Xing did not let it go. Instead, he held her feet in the palms of her hands and played with her carefully, watching her breathing lightly but feeling helpless to herself.  Xing Ye's heart moved, and he was even more reluctant to let go, and even wanted to do something more excessive to her.

     for example……

Kissing her toes, making her lightly trembling body bloom under her, whimpering and calling her name over and over again...

Such assumptions made Xing Ye's breathing become messy... Chen Ruxin, who faintly felt that something was wrong, took a pillow to cover his face from the side, and her voice was a little more calm than before: "Xing Ye, don't be like this..."

The pillow was placed on Xing Ye’s face and then fell to the side. After all, reason had overcome the desire in his heart. He took a deep breath and calmed down his forbearance, then let go of her bare feet, and squinted at her: "  Will you dare to step on the ground barefoot next time?"

"No," Chen Ruxin answered without hesitation.

Seeing her look like an enemy, Xing Ye's eyes were unconsciously stained with a thick smile. After all, he didn't tease her anymore, just took the cotton slippers next to her and put it on her, and then whispered softly.  Said: "It's cold outside, remember to wear more."

"Yeah." Chen Ruxin replied, "Then I will go back to my bedroom and change my clothes."

Xing Ye put his coat on her shoulder, and then said softly: "Go, I'll wait for you downstairs for lunch."

Chen Ruxin nodded, then got up and left Xing Ye's bedroom.

Until Chen Ruxin left, Xing also took the photo album that had just been set aside, his eyes drooping slightly, his fingers rubbed carefully, and he sighed, "I was still seen by her..." Although she did not show disgust or resentment.  , But I'm still afraid that if I look at it like that, I can still keep my sense.

This album has always been kept in his bedroom by him, and he often flips through it when he can't sleep. It seems that this is the only way to save the cruel soul.  In those few years abroad, if this photo album was not for him, he wondered if he could persist until the day he returned to China alive.

Fortunately, he persisted. He personally killed the man who had been forcing and humiliating him, and won the rights and wealth that belonged to that man. Fortunately, he put his desires into action and kept her firmly by his side.  No one is allowed to snoop.

Now, she finally belongs to herself.


After lunch, the two of them walked around the garden. Xing also worried that she was tired, so he took her to the pavilion in the center of the lake.

Sitting on the wooden armchair, Chen Ruxin saw that the roses outside the pavilion were blooming in the sun at this time, and the faint fragrance of flowers blew by the wind, refreshing.  She was in a position that was just in the sun. Chen Ruxin squinted his eyes comfortably, then slightly raised his head to look at Xing Ye who was standing next to him, and said, "I want to discuss something with you."

Xing Yetou looked down at her slightly, "What is it?"

"I haven't been in contact with the outside world for three days. I'm afraid that the outside world has already made a lot of trouble because of my business." Chen Ruxin considered the words, looked into his eyes, and continued: "The disappearance can be big or small, I  I don’t want to have a bad influence on you. If you believe me, take me out of here. I won’t leave you. I promised to respond to your feelings. It’s not just talk."

Xing Ye's pupils shrank slightly and did not speak. He never thought of making Chen Ruxin go back.  As long as the matter is not over, Xue Mingxuan has not really grasped his own handle, Chen Ruxin's existence will only become his tool, and Xing's most unwillingness is to let her leave his side.

Xing Ye said in a deep voice: "Sorry, I can't agree with this."

Chen Ruxin was not surprised when he heard his answer. She was just worried that what would happen later would be even more detrimental to the task, and she was afraid that time would be too late.  Chen Ruxin looked away and looked at the rose flower branches moving in the wind. The petals on the branches of the right color were blown off by the autumn wind, and then they disappeared.

"Wait a minute, I will take you out of here when the time is up." Xing didn't care about her thoughts, or even cared very much, but he didn't dare to take the risk.  Xing Ye leaned over and put his hand on the armrest of the armchair, and strongly caged her in her arms, so that she could not avoid herself: "I am here for everything, you can live here with peace of mind, and leave the rest to me, okay?  "

Chen Ruxin raised his eyes and looked at him, "But some people are worried."

"Who?" The hostility in Xing Ye's heart suddenly appeared in his eyes, "Xue Mingxuan?"

"..." Chen Ruxin's pupils reflected his appearance, and said: "I am not as cute as you think. I am also a student. The tutor and seniors are very good to me, they will be anxious."  Yes, as Xing also said in the scene in the dream, there is only Xing in this world and there is no use and utilitarian element, even if it has an empathy effect.  Although the face of the original owner attracted many suitors, who didn't come with the heart of hunting Yan?

Even Xue Mingxuan, who is obsessed with the original owner, promised the original owner's engagement in the previous life not to be moved by the original owner's heart, but to bring Xing Ye behind the case out of the boat.

In the previous life, the original owner didn't know this fact until he died, and fortunately he didn't know it.

Chen Ruxin's hand grabbed his placket and pulled it down. Xing Ye leaned down with an inertia. Seeing Xing Ye's long and narrow phoenix eyes flashed with a trace of surprise, Chen Ruxin took the initiative to kiss his lips, and then stretched out the tip of his tongue to lick  Licking his lips.  Xing Ye's lips are very thin, and the world says that thin lips are usually too affectionate, but this common sense is not suitable for Xing Ye, because there is no one who is more paranoid about feelings than Xing Ye.

Regarding Chen Ruxin's initiative, Xing did not refuse the sweetness, but pryed her lips apart to deepen the kiss.  His kiss is gentle and domineering, like a swamp, so that those who are trapped in it can no longer struggle and can only indulge in what he brings.

Chen Ruxin swallowed the body fluid in his mouth with difficulty, but the transparent liquid that was too late to swallow still slid down the corners of his mouth. Gradually, Chen Ruxin was a little bit uncontrollable.  Whimpering quietly...

The voice she made only made Xing Ye's eyes darker, his movements really slowed down, giving Chen Ruxin a chance to breathe, but soon his movements were more intense than before, completely losing the category of gentleness, just the wind.  Blindly attacking the city and plundering the land like a torrential rain, making her make a more pleasant voice...Xing also felt that he was about to be unable to bear it. He wanted everything from her, wanted to occupy her, and truly turned her into a woman who belonged only to him.  .

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