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"Ruxin, long time no see."

The familiar voice made Chen Ruxin put down the book in her hand, "System?"

"Yeah." The system said with a hint of worry, but still told her the most important information, "You have to be careful, I have seen the collapse of this world many times, and every time there is a movement of heaven..."  , The system stopped talking. It was not that I didn’t want to tell her, but I couldn’t say that in the previous world, it just caused Tiandao’s vigilance because of transmitting a memory to her, and it had to fall into a long sleep to escape Tiandao.  Eye.

This time, if he hadn't faintly felt an unusual breath, he wouldn't wake up so quickly.

Hearing the instructions of the system, Chen Ru took it down and went to his heart.  She lowered her eyes slightly and asked in her consciousness: "In the original world, after the two children of luck were killed by Alfonso, there was an abnormal scale in the depths of the universe that no creatures could contend with.  Is the explosion related to it?"

The system was silently silent, but it also made Chen Ruxin more certain of his guess.

She also understands the system's last resort, but because of their trust in the dark, there is a silent tacit understanding between them.

Just this way, Chen Ruxin got the news she wanted.

Leaving August is very simple for Chen Ruxin now.

Only when she said her request, Alfonso on the other side got the news. In the evening, after finishing the official business, she returned to Chen Ruxin's residence.

"A Qin wants to leave Augustus?" Alfonso combed her hair smoothly, pretending to inadvertently propose: "Where do you want to go, I'll be with you?"

Chen Ru looked at Alfonso, who was standing behind him combing his hair, through a mirror, and said: "The king needs to bother with this country.  The power of the country is divided. I will be back in three days."

Her words silenced Alfonso for a moment. The so-called self-inflicted crime meant that he was talking about him. If he hadn't let the nobles severely suppress the Senate and ignored the opinions of the senators, this made Augustus internal affairs.  There has been a big problem, and these days are busy with this matter.  Alfonso hugged her from behind her, "Then I will let Meredith follow you, and I will feel more at ease."

"Okay." The Meredith in his mouth was the female general who had practiced for Chen Ruxin.

It's just that the identity of this female general is not public. She is responsible for protecting members of the Augustus royal family. Her military rank is also at the rank of general. She is only loyal to the royal family throughout her life, so she is very trusted by the royal family.

Before leaving, Alfonso also equipped her with the best starship. Except for the slightly different external ones, the equipment and technicians inside were the same as those dedicated to King August's travel.

In addition to these, there are also vanguard soldiers led by Meredith who are responsible for protecting Chen Ruxin's safety.

Even so, Alfonso was still worried, but in the end there was no hindrance. This was his queen, a woman who stood shoulder to shoulder with him.

After the starship set sail, he watched the starship disappear from his line of sight, and only then did Alfonso focus on government affairs.

Chen Ruxin did not stay in her lounge, but stood in the control room of the starship.  Looking at the data on the screen, she had left Augustus.

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