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Chapter 11 The First Steak (11) Your Taste

Chen Ruxin was awakened by the pain. The pain in her stomach seemed to be burned by fire, which made her groan softly.

"You're awake." The man's voice was hoarse, like a stationary machine, with a cold texture, "Get up and eat something."

"I can't see." Chen Ruxin found that her eyes were blindfolded, and her hands were tied up. The material was soft, so it was not unbearable.

The man walked over, picked her up from the big bed and gently put her on the sofa aside.  "You are a hostage." The person was reminding her of her identity, probably trying to make her honest.

Chen Ruxin still had extra energy to struggle, and her stomachache also made her unable to exert her strength, so she looked very docile.

"Open your mouth."

Chen Ruxin opened up obediently, the white porridge tasted extremely light, and he could only taste a little sweetness, thinking that his stomach was still aching, so he was not picky.

After his stomach got better, Chen Ruxin said, "I will come by myself."

"No." The person refused.

"...Why did you tie me?"

"I don't need a reason to do things." He spoke slowly, as if he didn't want her to be aware of his identity.

Being blindfolded, Chen Ruxin was very inconvenient, so she had to say: "Can you unlock the things in my eyes and hands?"

"No." It was rejected again.

"I need to take a shower first." Chen Ruxin discovered that she was still wearing the gown from yesterday's engagement banquet. She was very tight and very hard. The ring and jade bracelet originally worn on the ring finger of her left hand did not know when she dropped.  At this time, her hands were tied in front of her and placed on her knees, and her eyes were also blindfolded. She could only slightly raise her head in front of her as she felt, "My menstrual period is here."

"..." The man seemed to have heard something terrible, and he froze immediately, "I, let someone come over and help you." After the words fell, he left soon, unexpectedly fleeing inexplicably.

Chen Ruxin knew that the person used a voice changer and did not dismantle it. Anyway, he can take his time.

After a while, I heard footsteps again, which were lighter than men, probably women, Chen Ruxin thought.  The other party walked in, first helped Chen Ruxin untie the cloth strips on her hands, and then untied the ribbons on her eyes. After opening her eyes, Chen Ruxin squinted, and it took him a while to adjust to the indoor light.

The indoor furnishings are simple, and the furniture is made of black walnut with black and purple, which is luxurious and elegant.

She glanced at the woman standing in front of her. She compared herself with a sign language, and suddenly realized that the Western woman in front of her was deaf and mute.  Chen Ruxin didn't know much about sign language, and didn't know how to talk to her. The woman led her to the shower room and saw that there were ready changes of clothes and holiday supplies. Chen Ruxin said, "Thank you." Then she left.  Went in.

Taking off the dress on her body, Chen Ruxin also removed the makeup on her face by the way, took a shower, put on the prepared home clothes and walked out.

At this time, only Chen Ruxin was left in the house. She walked to the window. This was a wooden villa. Outside was a green grass, a small lake and a large forest. It might be some kind of private woodland.  I don't know if I'm still in S city.

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