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Chapter 23

When Chen Ruxin opened her eyes, she was still in a daze, as if she was still dreaming, her whole body was light and weightless.  She blinked, and the focus slowly began to become clear, where is...where?

Everything in front of him made Chen Ru's heart stunned, and the soft touch under his body also carried a fresh and sunny breath.  She sat up, raised her hand to caress the golden railing in front of her eyes, and touched the unique coldness of the metal before she came back to her senses.

It turned out that he was really locked in a birdcage by Xing Ye.

"You are awake." Following the voice, I saw that Xing also took the food and walked over, looking at her with gentle eyes: "Does the head still hurt? Eat something first."

"I'm not hungry." Probably the reason for the residual effect of the medicine, Chen Ru's body is still a little unable to lift up strength, leaning on the cage and watching him walk in front of him.  After seeing the red bloodshot eyes in his eyes, Chen Ruxin suddenly asked, "Have you not rested for a long time?"

"Why? Suddenly care about me?" Xing Ye put his tray on the ground and looked at her with a smile across the cage: "Do you want to use the same method a second time?"

"No." Chen Ruxin's voice was a little fluttering. She looked up at him slightly and said: "At that time, I thought I had always been a girl's stand-in, so I said something like that. Sorry, I thought I was..."

"Shut up." Xing Ye stood up, interrupted her coldly, and then, as if he realized that his tone was wrong, he leaned down and stretched out his hand to gently touch the top of her hair: "Be good, wait for no one to talk to you.  I rob you, I will let you out."

When did it start... Is his mental state so bad?  Chen Ruxin raised her hand to cover him, looked at him and said, "I didn't..."

"Shhh, don't talk." Xing Ye's thin lips evoked a cold smile. He pulled back his hand and put the paper bag he had brought into the cage, "rest well, this is replacement clothing."

Looking at the back of him leaving, Chen Ru was in a daze.

I don't know how long it took, Chen Ruxin asked, "System, how long have I been in a coma?"

"One day and one night." The system replied: "First eat something, your body will not be able to stand it."

"Yeah." Chen Ruxin nodded, "I'll take a moment."

In other words, today is the 25th.

There are less than two days left, and every minute and every second seems to be counting down.  But at this time, Chen Ruxin felt an indescribable sense of peace in her heart.  Waiting... The long wait, the feeling that seems to be engraved in the depths of the soul, she has experienced more than once.

Leaning against the cage, Chen Ruxin almost fell asleep like this.  She opened her eyes with difficulty, took the cup brought by Xing Ye, rinsed her mouth with mouthwash, wiped her face with a wet handkerchief, and then opened the insulation box.

The light vegetable porridge smelled a lot of appetite. Chen Ruxin ate some, so she always had to retain some physical strength.

Seeing her finish eating, the system suddenly said: "Drugs will make you dull and slower to respond to the outside world."

Chen Ruxin's eyes closed slightly, and it took a while before he asked, "Is something added to the porridge?"

"There is a pinhole on the back of your hand." The system slowly said: "You left it before you fell asleep."

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