Chapter 3

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Good words and freehand brushwork

Chapter 3 1--3

The next day, Xie Yi arrived at the company early again.

Sitting on the chair where she had stayed in the small park in the past, she saw Li Ze Liang getting off the car. He did not get off the car in the parking lot on the ground floor as usual when he went to work.

Now that she take a closer look, there is something wrong with his right leg. But what's wrong in detail, she can't tell for a while. It's just not a lame man in the true sense, but it is true that the walking speed of the right foot is slightly slower than that of the left foot, and it is also slightly slower when lifting the foot.

He went up two stairs and entered the building.

She followed.

He bypassed the elevator and walked into the stairwell.

Undoubtedly, he has to climb the stairs. After drawing this conclusion in her mind, she was stunned. how is this possible? His office is on the 23rd floor. Even a healthy person like her would be tired to death.

But Li Ze Liang did act.

The stairs will turn one hundred and eighty degrees after going up one level, and the back will be invisible from the front. So she followed with ease.

The two went one after the other, and Li Ze Liang's footsteps echoed in the stairwell. His footsteps were so fast that Xie Yi could not keep up at first, then gradually slowed down, and then staggered slowly. Therefore, she will wait for him on the corner wall, and then turn around when his slow footsteps come up.

Suddenly she understood why he chose to come to the company so early, struggling alone in this long staircase. This man, in the business world, even if he can turn the clouds and the rain with his hands, he still has a little low self-esteem that he doesn't want to be noticed.

The 19th floor. When she feel dizzy and tired, she still don't forget to look at the floor. Then she turned for the thirty-seventh time. Suddenly, she froze in place as soon as she looked up.

Li Ze Liang stopped there, facing her, caught her straight.

She at the moment is disheveled and unkempt, the shoes have long been taken off and put on the hands, and her body is sweaty. It is a stalker who is embarrassed and caught on the spot.

"Ms. Su, in good spirits, climb the stairs early in the morning." Li Ze Liang said jokingly.

After he was tired, his face was pale and he didn't have a harsh tone when speaking, but with his smiley expression, it made her sound suddenly feel like a gloomy wind behind his neck.

She wiped her sweat freely, and secretly quibbled in her heart, "Where is my interest like Mr. Li, no wonder it's such a coincidence." However, he is her and the whole Tang Qiao's food and clothing parents, and she knows the truth and dare not refute. She had to whisper a few words in her heart in order to achieve self-balance.

Then, the two faced each other silently.


This kind of long silence made her a little guilty.

After all, she peeped his secret.

She cleared her throat and decided to break the deadlock first.

"Exercise for one hour a day, work healthily for fifty years." She had no choice but to say such a sentence, no matter whether it is accurate or not, but for any capitalist who cannibalize blood and sweat, the latter sentence is probably more pleasant to the ear, "I am today The hour is up, Mr. Li, go ahead."

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