Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 3--4

[ The scar has not disappeared. Her mother used to say to others: "If our little girl hadn't left this scar on her face, she might still be a standard beauty."

She pursed her mouth and smiled, and turned over again on the hospital bed.

Later, she just turned five and a half years old, because there was no one at home to take care of her, and she was not worried about locking her in the house, so Xie Yi was sent to school to go to the first grade.

On the first day of school, the weather was still very hot, and her mother wore a brand-new blue suspender shorts for her. The pants lined her hair and looked very handsome.

There are many children in the class, everyone is not too afraid of life, and they chat together for a while. Freehand has been familiar with people since childhood, and immediately became a leader in the class, which aroused many boys' resentment.

During the break the next day, a boy came over and asked her, "Your name is Su Xie Yi?"

She glanced at his runny nostrils freely, and turned her head disdainfully.

"How do you look like a girl? I told my dad that you are a sissy person."

    Before the boy finished speaking, he was overthrown by freehand brushwork.

She grew up so big that even if others misunderstood that she looked like a boy, she could barely accept it. However, the most annoying thing in the world is that you are obviously a woman, and people thought she deliberately pretended to be a girl.

As a result, she was hired by her parents on the second day of school. Mom smiled to the teacher and apologized.

In the impression of freehand brushwork, her mother has always been so gentle and elegant.

Isn't it, because the adult has a good temper, that makes her so self-willed?

The freehand brushwork in the dream was suddenly lost. Today, she is already an orphan without a father or mother.]

When she really woke up in the morning of the next day, the nurse was getting her infusion tubes and needles.

"What did you lose to me?" Freehand asked, tilting her head.

The nurse smiled: "Don't worry, it's okay, I will give you the anti-fever medicine. You just caught a cold and some fever."

"Is our car okay, where are the two people with me?"

"This is not clear. I was not on duty when you were admitted to the hospital yesterday. The breakfast on the table is yours. It is best to eat more and you will be discharged in a while."

Looking at the table freely, it was a bowl of hot porridge.

When the nurse put her things away and was about to go out, she turned around and said, "Oh, the gentleman who gave you the porridge just now asked me to tell you that you have a friend in Ward 307."

She was really hungry. She ate a bowl full of porridge in an unsightly manner, and then she put on her original clothes before leaving the ward after washing up.

"307...307...307..." Freehand muttered while searching, and finally saw the house number in the deepest part of the corridor. The door was open, and it was extremely quiet inside.

She knocked on the door.

"Please come in." A low male voice came out.

She knew who it was as soon as she heard the voice.

Pushing the door open, she saw Li Ze Liang sitting on the bed with his legs under the quilt, but his back was straight. He changed his usual shirt and suit, and wore the blue and white hospital gowns, which seemed more childish than usual.

When he saw her sticking there, he smiled slightly, "Ying Song said that he brought you breakfast, did you eat it?"

   The expression at the moment was exactly the same as when he grabbed her angrily in the car yesterday and said, "Are you crazy?" Different.

Holding the newspaper in his hand, he turned a page "wow-".

 Freehand noticed the bandage on his hand, maybe it was the injury he suffered yesterday.

"I... Mr. Li..." She didn't know where to start, "I was in the car yesterday..."

She forgot that she could even say that she didn't know what happened afterwards, only that she had a fight with him, and then suddenly the car got out of control.

"The whole process, you just slept."
   Li Ze Liang quickly used a sentence, very concisely summarized for her.

"Huh?" Freehand brushwork was even more embarrassing, as if it was what she said, "It's all my fault." She said the latter sentence a bit repentantly, and the tone was very sincere.

She got him into the hospital, and she still doesn't know what kind of injuries he suffered. She also knew that Li Ze Liang's usual style was uncertain and small, and she didn't know how to fix her next.

Freehand lowered her head, her eyes fell on the floor tiles in front of her toes, concentrating on remorse, she rarely admitted her mistakes so seriously in the first 25 years of her life. But Li Ze Liang didn't buy her account, and didn't talk to each other for a long time.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, four seconds...

The freehand brushwork made her neck sore, and she couldn't help but lift her head to look, just in time to ran into Li Ze Liang's eyes.

He has put down the newspaper, with one arm around his chest and the other supporting his chin, and he looks at Freehand with a scrutinizing look. His gaze was from head to toe, then from toe to head, and finally fell back to her face, staring into her eyes.

After a long time, he changed his sitting posture, leaned his back on the pillow, and muttered: "Shen Xie Yi, don't you need to say something to me?"

    This is not too long between his last sentence, but his voice But it was dull and lazy as if he hadn't spoken for too long.

"Huh?" Freehand lowered his head in a bit of surprise, "I'm sorry. Mr. Li, I'm sorry."

"That's it?" Li Ze Liang asked in a secret voice.

"?" Freehand didn't understand what he wanted to hear for a while.

Suddenly, Li Ze Liang laughed, lightly. It was the most common smile on his face. First, the corners of his lips were slightly tilted, and then the other facial features were driven by the lips, making it appear that the entire smile came from his lips. But he also used this kind of smile to deal with others. Such an expression hung on his face, making Xie Yi feel more uncomfortable than his mocking mockery.

Suddenly, they felt a little alienated. He seemed very dissatisfied with her answer.

He looked away and said, "It's okay, I only have some skin injuries. Your discharge procedures, the season manager, will do it for you. If you are not in good spirits these two days, you can call Secretary Lin and ask her to ask for leave for you, and the company will Count as a work injury."

The morning sun is golden and not dazzling. The curtains of the ward were opened, and the sunlight came in obliquely, moving slowly over time, just hovering near Li Ze Liang.

Freehand only noticed that his eyes were dark brown.

At this moment, looking down in the sunlight, his side face was covered with a faint golden luster because of the bright light from there, but it was a little dark on the other side.

There is nothing wrong with every sentence in his words, which is exactly the same as the previous day, but it just makes the freehand brushwork feel a bit strange. For a while, Freehand felt that he was neither standing nor sitting, and still sticking here seemed like a superfluous decoration.

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