Chapter 66

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Chapter 12 Part 4

The sun rarely shines through the clouds, and the original weather forecast said that snow would fall recently , but today the sun is blowing. Such warm sunshine is especially rare in this season. Sitting in a chair in the green belt opposite the Li Building. The sun leisurely shines through the gaps in the leaves. The light and shadow that turned into a dazzle fell on her face.

She doesn’t know how long it took, a group of people walked out of the building , including Li Ze Liang. She doesn’t know if his legs were somewhat good or forcibly put on the prosthesis, in short, he stands straight like a normal person and comes out to see off guests.
The lobby on the first floor has two steps to the outside. From a distance, she saw him descending the steps as he greeted and saw off customers. There were those polite smiles on his faces, but she didn’t know how much pain that heavy right leg brought him.

She stood up and looked at his appearance, her heart crumbling. She was even wondering if she didn’t that day so impulsive, may be what appears in front of her now is still a pair of perfect legs. Suddenly, she felt a little resentful of herself who was so selfish, why did she only have hatred in her eyes at that time, but she couldn’t see his affection at all.

The moment he sent the customer away with a smile and turned back, he saw her under the shadow of the trees on the other side of the road. He was a little surprised, want to walk over, hesitated and finally endured.

He turned his head and told the people next to him to leave first, and then just stayed where he was and stared at her.
It was too far away for her to notice the joy that flashed in his eyes.

From time to time, vehicles whizzling by the road blocked the view of the two for several seconds. But quickly moved away, and both of them remained motionless. A balloon vendor, holding a large handful of colorful balloons, had children come to watch, just in front of Xie Yi’s eyes, so she moved her steps and looked for him again, but saw Li Ze Liang had slowly walked towards her.

He walks a little slowly, lifting his right leg slightly more slowly than his left leg. He walked a few steps, his brows furrowed along the way, his face was a little embarrassed, but it was only for a moment, and that expression flashed. Well disguised and completely imperceptible.

It was also at that moment that Xie Yi saw his expression, that well-disguised expression, that almost imperceptible expression, that expression that made her breathe in pain. Finally, made up her mind, no matter what he did to the Shen Family, no matter what he did to the other people in this world, angels or demons, as long as he loved her, it was enough.

At this moment, she doesn’t want to be surnamed Shen or Su, she only want to do Ayan’s Xie Yi.

“Dad, I’m sorry. I love him, really , really, really love him. Xie Yi bit her lower lip and silently said to his father, “Your Xie Yi also wants to save her own happiness.”

Xie Yi made up her mind and immediately anxiously bypassed the crowd and ran in the direction of him. She also didn’t care if there was a Zebra Crossing here, so she dodged left and right and went straight through the road.

A car roared approaching, and she didn’t pay attention for a moment.

“Xie YI!!! Car!!! “ Li Ze Liang shouted anxiously.

As soon as she turned her head, the oncoming van passed her by a millimetre.

Li Ze Liang waited for her to come to him, grabbed her arm, and said with a split head:” Who let you cross the street like this!!”

He was so annoyed that she was stunned.

“I….I’m fine.”

She was pinched a little painfully by him.

The people of the Li family next to him went in and out , and they kept greeting Li Ze Liang. He suddenly noticed the abnormality of his words and deeds and gently let her go.

“What are you doing here when you don’t go to work?” He asked.

Xie Yi buried her head, her heart turned thousands of times and did not know how to answer, and the sentence quickly spun in her brain: “I will return the book to you.”

“Ah, yes!!” The book hadn’t been returned to him last time.

“What about books?”

“Urgh” For a moment, she remembered that the lie had not been made up. “I seem to have forgotten it. “ It was immediately punctured.

“Then when will it be given to me?”


It’s almost a reproduction of the scenario.

“This time, I hope you don’t miss the appointment again.” Li Ze Liang said.

After dinner, she carefully checked her handbag, books, keys and mobile phone, and then took a deep breath and set off.
She went downstairs and struggled to look up to see the window of his living room. The windows were open, and the light was exceptionally bright. She doesn’t know if after hurting each other for so long, he will also open his heart and wait for her. Xie Yi began to be a little lucky. Fortunately, she didn’t return the book last time, otherwise, she really had no excuse to approach him again.

She rang the doorbell, and he came to open it, and sure enough, he was wearing a prosthesis again.

“I’ll return your book.”

“Hmm.” He said..

The two of them stood at the entrance like this, and after a while, Li Ze Liang remembered to let her in the door.

She changed her shoes and sat down on the sofa.

“Oh, your book.” She said.

“Put it there.” He should go and pour water.

Xie Yi suddenly found that he especially liked to pour boiled water for people when he was polite.

She pulled the book out of her handbag and placed it on the coffee table, only to see that the cover was crumpled by the debris piled up with her mobile phone and keys. She hurriedly unfolded it with her hands, but she didn’t expect that it was all in vain, and the thick cover was so unyieldingly cocked.

Li Ze Liang loves books as much as life, she is afraid that he will be angry with her for this, and after a few fiddling with it, it still can’t work, completely intentional to oppose her. She blew a breath, turned the book over, laid the cover down against the coffee table and made the back cover, at least so that he could not find it on the spot, and then sat there pretending to be nonchalant waiting for him to return.

The water is placed in front of her, but what is going to be said next? After the book is returned , she should leave, and after leaving, what excuse will she use to meet him again? She said such a decisive thing to him, and now how can she take the initiative to speak. After all, she is not the one who was not afraid of the sky ten years ago.

Suddenly, she hand an epiphany:” Uh___I have a German phrase that I don’t know how to translate.”

He glanced at her, and didn’t know if she was looking for something to say, so he casually asked, “What is it?”

“Those who want to build towers should precipitate more on the foundation , which is probably how to translate this meaning.” Xie Yi secretly glanced at him.

This was a quote from Li Shi when she was reading the weekly magazine for the German couple, and she didn’t know how to translate it for a while. She doesn’t know if Li Ze Liang feels familiar when he hears it? She saw him tilt his head: “It can be translated as Wer hohe Turme bauen will, muss lane beim Fundament verweilen.”


After speaking, he was cold again.

“Ah, and a word….”

So , Xie YI began to tirelessly learn German knowledge from Teacher Li.

After a few childish questions, Li Ze Liang finally looked a little eyebrows, these smallest pediatric problems, it is estimated that she has nothing to do.
He stopped answering her and asked rhetorically:"Are you helping others as translators?”

“Uh…Sometimes help people.”

“Dare to help at your level?” He glanced sideways at her.


It seems that this topic is not suitable for further fooling.

Just as she was racking her brain to think of something else to say, Aunt Ren called.

After hanging up the phone, she said with a solemn expression:"Xiao Qing is sick, I have to go and see.”

After saying that she hurriedly went to the entrance to put on her shoes.

While putting on her shoes, she glanced at Li Ze Liang and the book on the coffee table.

When he closed the door, he began to light a cigarette again, then put the lighter on the coffee table, and when his hand was withdrawn, he paused on the book and picked it up.

As soon as he turned it over, he saw the crumpled cover. Her small movements just now fell into his eyes without fail. Just like when she was a child, nothing came to her hands, and it didn’t end well.

She had probably seen most of the names he wrote, and he had almost forgotten when he wrote them. Li Ze Liang flipped it casually, but suddenly saw the newly added content next to his handwriting.

The word “Ayan” is added next to each “Xie Yi” . How many times he had written her name before, she was next to him and rewrote his name as many times, densely. Under the complete dissimilar handwriting, the two names are closely together.

Xie Yi Ayan

Ayan Xie Yi

There is a winter Time, she smiled and put together his two names on paper , and said in a divine way:”Ze Liang and Nan Yan are both Xie Yi. It’s better to make up ‘Xie Yi good intentions’, which is quite smooth. A yan , don’t like to engrave a seal, also engrave one for me, just these four words.”

After speaking, she planned to stamp the seal on everything that the two people had in common, and leave a stamp.
He didn’t took it to heart, and then gradually forgot about it.

Xie Yi.

Li Ze Liang clenched his fists, raised his face, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and after a little silence, quickly extinguished the smoke, and opened the door to chase and went out. Hurried chased downstairs, cars shuttled back and forth, but there was no figure left and right.

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