Chapter 30

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Chapter 31 6-3

"I make instant noodles by myself." Freehand hate itchy teeth.

"We don't have instant noodles." He said leisurely.

"Then I don't want to eat, it's okay." After she said freely, one person moved the luggage to the room upstairs.

The sky outside was so gloomy, it seemed that it was about to rain.

Li Ze Liang's gaze fell on the spot where her back disappeared, and slowly put down the newspaper. His mood calmed down, just a little bit, he thought she would not come back again, almost desperate.

In fact, Xie Yi didn't know that Li Ze Liang came back early today, letting everyone in the old house leave, and even Lao Tan was forced to leave.

"But supper..." Old Tan said.

"What materials do you have at home? I will make it myself."

"Then I will mix the ingredients for you."

"No, it's not that I can't."

"I wanted to avoid trouble for you." Old Tan smiled.

Li Ze Liang collected the newspaper, walked slowly to the kitchen, and checked the stuffed rice in the rice cooker. Then he picked up the knife and prepared to cut vegetables and start cooking. He has lived alone abroad, and now he lives alone in that small apartment most of the time, and a few home-cooked dishes can't bother him.

After the freehand upstairs finished packing things, she started to feel hungry, so hungry that her chest stuck to her back, and she couldn't help it, so she wanted to secretly go downstairs to find some leftovers of soup and rice to eat.

When she went downstairs lightly and found noise in the kitchen, she carefully peeped and saw him inside.

She had never seen such a virtuous Li Ze Liang, with a gray apron tied to his chest, his sleeves rolled up, and he was cooking.

He spotted her poked head, took the plate in one hand and shoveled the vegetables in the other hand and said, "Wait in the dining room, eat right away."

He made the fragrant shredded pork and sweet and sour pork ribs and put them on the dinner table.

"Come for me?" Freehand was a little flattered.

"I ate it myself, but you can eat it if you want."

Looking at him with a smile freehand, this man really has a tofu heart.

"Chopsticks," he said.

"En." Freehand was so obedient for the first time, and went to get it.

At this moment, there is a peaceful atmosphere in the dining room.

The man untied his apron and sat down. The woman returned to the kitchen to get the dishes. Even the naughty cat squatted obediently, eating white rice and shredded pork with relish.

She sat down and sacredly clamped the first chopsticks toward the plate of shredded fish-flavored pork, and slowly placed it in front of her mouth, but saw the emerald green onion on it.

"Uh, why put green onions?"

Li Ze Liang's eyes sank.

Then the second chopsticks stretched towards the sweet and sour pork ribs.

"Uh... so sweet."

His eyes sink deeper.

The third chopsticks had some shredded pork in the freehand brushwork, and it was called before the mouth.

Lie To Love (Liang Yan Xie Yi 良言写意)Where stories live. Discover now