Chapter 58

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Chapter 59 11-2

Li Ze Liang also has another hobby, which is watching football.

It is difficult for her to imagine how a person who is so restrained like him is interested in that sport, even though he knows that he never plays.

He is not very fanatical, but on Saturday he will have some time to turn on the TV to watch the local broadcast. When he was watching the ball, he made a cup of tea and sat there, watching quietly by himself. Whenever he saw the excitement, he clenched his fist, stood up suddenly, and then sat down slowly.

"It's so annoying that they keep kicking around and not getting in. With so many people grabbing a goal, it's better to serve a few more."

He glanced at her coldly.

She fell silent immediately.

After a while, she couldn't sit still next to her again.

"Did you choose Germany for watching football?" she asked.

"Then I will come to watch the football, what are you doing?" he asked back.


Take a look at him freely. This question is not challenging to ask, doesn't he still know what she is here for?

That weekend happened to be the last round of the ball game before Christmas, and he drove her to nearby Frankfurt to watch the scene together. When she was leaving, she carried a small bag, brought all the things she needed, and set off.

He suddenly asked: "Are the gloves on?"

"Ah!" She said deliberately: "I seem to have brought it."

"I clearly saw you on the chair." He said

"Really?" She pretended to be a fool.

"Yes." He said categorically, and then handed her a look to get back quickly.

The trickery was seen through before it even started.

She looked at him sadly, but had to obey his orders.

She has never been to the scene to watch a football game.

Their position is very high, sitting right in the middle of the home fans.

She raised his hands, followed them to learn those gestures and shouting slogans, it was completely engaged, and never complained about boredom. It rained in the midfield, but fortunately she was wearing a raincoat and he was wearing a cap.

When the home team scored, Xie Yi jumped up with the fans next to her.

She grabbed Li Ze Liang's hand and yelled excitedly.

He smiled slightly and held her, "Stop yelling, your voice is dumb."

In that game, the newly promoted Frankfurt miracle generally beat the defending champion Bayern Munich. Outside the court, the cold weather and the rain and snow floated, but the enthusiasm in the court was higher than the waves.

The moment the referee blew the final whistle, everyone cheered.

A German fan next to him who celebrated with his freehand clapping excitedly wrapped his team logo scarf around his neck and shouted: "Siehabenunsglueckmitgebracht!
(Translation: You brought us good luck)."

He lifted her face without warning, and gave her a hard kiss on the cheek.

She was also very happy, and gave the other party a big hug.

She then sang along with the group of people and exited the field together, and went up a step to find that Li Ze Liang was still behind. The hat is so low that she can't see the eyes.

Lie To Love (Liang Yan Xie Yi 良言写意)Where stories live. Discover now