Chapter 43

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Chapter 44 8--6

Her expression walked in as usual, and put the milk tea on the table steamingly. "Ayan, you want to drink." Then she went out to read.

"What about ours?" Hou Xiaodong asked eagerly, "You only bought a cup?"

"Buy it yourself." He glanced at Hou Xiaodong triumphantly.

Afterwards, she stupidly asked: "Why do you have a different temper with me when you are with me?"

Don't expect him to answer such a question that explores the root of your heart.

Even during the winter vacation, she went to City A and pestered him for many days. However, under Shen Zhi Hong's emphasis, she did not live in his house, but slept in a hotel.

Li Ze Liang loved to write lower letters in the house which nothing happened. She also copied his words. He didn't care about her, let her go, knowing that she would change her interest in less than three days.

Sure enough, it took only two days to write freely and said: "Stop writing, I want to fold the brush in half after learning."

He raised his eyebrows and continued to write about him, regardless of her.

She dared not make noise, so she had to lie down and watch. Later, while he was out of the study, she didn't pay attention, so she took a pen and wrote on the cut Xuebai Shuxuan obliquely: "Ayan, Ayan."

She turned to the second page and wrote a few more words, "Shall we go out shopping, okay."

The third page, "Will you not write it?"

The fourth page, "I'm so bored."

Seeing him answer the phone and come in, she quickly drew a stack of white paper and pressed the few mischievous words to the bottom.

Summer is the season for her to buy clothes most. Her monthly living expenses are only a few hundred yuan. Although Su's mother is gentle, she is very stubborn in terms of money. She is definitely not allowed to use Shen Zhi Hong's money casually.

Now she has become a wild horse as soon as she arrives in the field. Every less than ten days, the monthly living expenses are squandered.

Fortunately, he has been holding a large sum of money, so poor that only a large sum of money is left.

"Ayan, buy this."

"Ayan, I want to buy that."

"Ayan, shall we go for a big meal today?"

Of course, Hou Xiaodong was also the one who came to eat and drink together.

This kind of life made his expenses soar.

In fact, he is very frugal when he is alone, and he never spends money except for necessities. Her arrival almost wiped out his scholarship in three years.

But just spending money is not enough, she still loves to show off.

In her class, there is a boy who lives in Xiaofu, who is very dragged in the class. Every time he comes back to school, he drives a Japanese sports car very cool. Many girls walked around him like honey bees.

She did not look at this Young Master Huahua straight, which made him feel hurt to his self-esteem.

But changing to a girlfriend a week, this behavior makes the Xie Yi who regards herself as the protector of women very angry, how can she still have a good impression of him.

"Su Xie Yi, I'll take you for a ride." That day, she and Hou Xiaodong happened to be walking on the road. The boy suddenly braked and stopped in front of them. He looked at Hou Xiaodong with some contempt, and said something to her and Hou Xiaodong.

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