Chapter 72

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Chapter 13 Part V

Coming out of the hotel, the sky is illuminated by street lamps, and large expanses of snowflakes can be seen from it. The sky is falling one after another.
In the car, she said: “I was thinking, how did I become your fiancée?”

“Yes, it’s really a ghost.” He smiled mysteriously.

After a while, the car drove not the usual route home and stopped on the side of the road halfway.

Le Ze Liang told her to put on a thick long coat, hat, and scarf , wrapped her tightly and then pulled her off the car and turned into subway station.

Xie Yi followed behind, busy asking: “Why take the subway?”

“The car is broken.”

“Then shall we take a taxi?”

“I want to take the subway.”

“But……” She really didn’t want to hit this man who didn’t eat human fireworks, and now it’s eleven o’clock.

“The subway will be closed immediately.”

“Then what else are you grinding, hurry up. “ He ordered.

The two hurried descended to the subway station, and the staff at the entrance were still there, and sure enough, they confiscated the car, urging them to hurry.

There were very few people inside, and there were a few people waiting for the last train.

As soon as they stood still, they heard a sound in the tunnel, and then a subway gradually stopped in front of them, and the door opened.

Li Ze Liang led her up.

There were very few people, and besides them, there were two young people sitting there at the other end of the carriage chatting, and it seemed that they were also lovers. Xie YI casually looked up and saw the route map on the carriage, only to suddenly find that this was where she broke up with Li Ze Liang last time. It’s just that the route just came back. At that time, the ring was returned to him, but he did not accept it. In the upside down, no one gave in, and finally the ring fell to the ground.

The subway runs slowly.

Two  people just stood like this, three steps away, he look at her, and she look at him.

The subway leaves the platform and gradually enters the darkness, and the scene seems to overlap again, and they are standing together in the same carriage with few passengers.

He pulled her back here, as if she had a premonition of something.

He said: “The first time I saw you was in the subway, and that time I was a little freehand with two pigtails. The second time, you were going to be separated from me in this place, and you didn’t look back when you left.”

As Li Ze Liang spoke, the train also sped through the underground passage of the city. And at that moment, it felt as if it was not going to the next station, but to take her and him through time and space, back to a certain day in a young year.

“The third time, we came back here. This is the line we sat on together last time, similar carriages, but coming and going in the opposite direction, I want to go back with you along this path . Now….”

He paused, pulling a shiny ring out of his pocket, “now let’s do it all over again.”

Say at this point, Li Ze Liang looked at her, knelt down on one knee very cautiously, and stared at her seriously and said clearly word by word: “Xie Yi, are you willing to marry me?”

Xie Yi was really surprised this time, and after staying for a few seconds, her brain began to regain function, and the past of more than ten years suddenly came to mind, and the fragments of that scene flashed in her mind.

During the sports meeting, she suddenly rushed to him and shouted: “Li Nan Yan, come on!!!”

In the classroom, he handed a note to her: Classmate, you are wearing your skirt backwards.

During the icy winter vacation, in the library she pestered him on the same way home; He reviewed her homework, but she lied to him with coquettishness  ;
When the junior of high school ran away from home to join him, he disciplined her with a straight face while taking care of her in every way; Before he went abroad, she ran back from the train and cheekily cried and confessed to him;
In the snow of Petersburg, she timidly asked him for warmth and it was only then that she held hands for the first time.

She doesn’t know which fragment or which line of dialogue to start with, as if under a spell, a knot was tied in her and his heart, and finally the two of their lives were firmly locked together.

The figure in the white shirt in the memory has changed from a gloomy and reserved teenager to a mature and silent man. Occasionally laughing gently, the corner of his right lip rose slightly, causing those light eyes to narrow slightly and smile.

She loved to look into his eyes and smile, growing up. Among hundreds of millions of people, he would only smile at her alone and only with an angry expression on his face. So many things are exclusive to her. Now the greenness in his eyebrows has faded, but the heart that loves her is becoming more and more indestructible.

Such a love, they almost missed it.

With a smile on her face, but a little tear appeared in the corner of her eyes, she slowly said: “I do.”

Seeing her face full of tears but happiness in his eyes, she couldn’t help but repeat again: “A yan, I do.”

Really , willingly, she wanted to be with him and never be part again for the rest of her life.

If the unmarried ceremony ends here, that’s just right, waiting for the prince and princess to kiss affectionately. But she didn’t want Li Ze Liang to stand up, so she shouted: “By the way , A yan, Don’t move.”

Then she desperately rummaged through the phone in her bag.

“What are you doing with your phone at this time?” He frowned.

She turned the bag over, found the phone, immediately turned on the camera and said, “All of you said again, I’m going to take a picture of it as a souvenir.”

His face was full of helplessness, the corners of his eyebrows twitched a few times, he stood up abruptly and grabbed the phone, and then lowered his head and kissed her, and there was pampering and vicious punishment in the kiss.

“Remember, you proposed first, don’t rely on me later, saying that I want to marry you with a dead face.” She kissed without forgetting to make the question clear first.

“Hmm…” Li Ze Liang was a little dissatisfied, he kissed her like this and she was still distracted.

“But you don’t let me take evidence, what if you turn your face and don’t admit it in the future?”

“At that time, you will fight to the death not to marry me, no.”

Li Ze Liang kindly came up with an idea for her.

However, after hearing this , he hurriedly shook his head like a rattle, and immediately said: “no no no, then I will lose a lot.”

Lie To Love (Liang Yan Xie Yi 良言写意)Where stories live. Discover now