Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 4--5

"you're awake?"

"The employers are here. I have any reason to go on sleeping without knowing it." Freehand said.

Li Ze Liang heard her ridicule, but smiled and turned to the kitchen.

He asked in the kitchen, "Miss Shen, do you drink water?"

"Don't dare to bother you."

As a result, he still poured two glasses of water on the coffee table, sat down on the sofa and said, "Sit down."

Freehand staring at him coldly, just not doing it, standing stubbornly in place. She disliked him the most, her tone sounded very polite, but every word she uttered was like an imperial decree, and no one was allowed to disobey.

This chair, she wants to sit down; this water, if I don't drink, I don't need to drink it.

First, she used that kind of trade to intimidate her, but now she wants to change her face to be a good person. She is not a three-year-old kid, and she doesn't understand this trick of buying people's hearts.

"Miss Shen, you look like this," Li Ze Liang took a sip, trying to suppress the unhappiness in his heart, "We will have a hard time getting along during the contract."

With his non-smiling look, she became angry at the sight of him.

    "Is there anything to get along with? Does Mr. Li want you and me to pretend to be a newly-married loving couple for others to see."
   Freehand said sarcastically, "Our dirty business, don't let the term husband and wife be tarnished in vain... …"

Just listen to the sound of "Bang——".

Li Ze Liang smashed the cup in his hand heavily on the coffee table, annihilating the word "dirty" in her mouth. Because of the violent shaking, the water in the cup splashed out half of it and was scattered on the tabletop, and in a short while, it dripped along the edge of the table to the ground.

"It's a lawyer who is a sharp curse. Then I ask the sinking lawyer," he said, "When will you honor our dirty deal?"

Li Ze Liang sneered intentionally or unintentionally.

Seeing his smile freely, she was slightly startled. She saw that maybe he was laughing at her. She bit her lower lip with her teeth, biting it so white, and finally made up her mind to let go of her lips, and said, "Mr. Li, it's as you wish now, how about it?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly started to walk towards Li Ze Liang's bedroom, walking very quickly. After she entered the bedroom, she walked all the way, unbuttoning her shirt.

She was so bad-tempered that she couldn't listen to the button halfway, so she pulled with her hands vigorously.

At this moment, Li Ze Liang walked up three steps, suddenly clasped her wrist, and pushed her against the bedroom wall. He quickly stopped her movements that she wanted to continue, holding freehand hands.

"Shen Xie Yi, don't do this."

At this moment, the buttons of the freehand clothes were half open, the pink underwear suddenly appeared, and the white skin on the chest was also exposed in the air.

"Really," he repeated what he said just now in a low voice, "Don't be like this." There was a faint pleading in the language. With that said, Li Ze Liang let go of her and freed up a hand to tidy up the collar and button up for her, wanting to restore them.

Unexpectedly, when his fingers touched Freehand's chest skin, she slapped his hand freely, and said in disgust, "Don't touch me!"

Such a blow really angered Li Ze Liang.

He clamped her chin with his right hand, causing the freehand back of her head to hit the wall fiercely, and his upper body pressed her tightly.

For a while, Freehand felt that her head was suddenly blinded, and a sharp pain came after a short while. She gritted her teeth stubbornly and didn't let the pain make a sound.

He lowered his head, squinted his eyes and said, "Don't touch you? Did you take off your clothes so proactively just now that you just let me watch?"

His face flushed freely when he said a word.

"Shameless!" She resisted her strength and turned her face away.

Li Ze Liang looked angry, hooped her face back to the original position, and immediately buried his head and kissed her cherry-like soft lips. However, Xie Yi closed her lips tightly and gritted her teeth, not allowing him to succeed.

He used the fingers that pinched her chin to force her to open her mouth painfully. His tongue took the opportunity to penetrate, wantonly aggression and blackmail him, freely trying to close her teeth and bite him, but unfortunately she couldn't move even a little bit after being pinched by him on both cheeks, and she would only bite herself.

Freehand felt that the other party's body temperature passed through the shirt, and his breath spurted on his face, a little quick. However, he kissed in a rage, without the slightest pity.

He kissed fiercely, but his lips were cold.

The cold touch on his lips didn't touch the lust of the two of them at all.

It took a long time for Li Ze Liang to leave her lips, and then leaned in front of her eyes, lowered his voice, and said coldly and provocatively: "Please, I will let you go, otherwise I will continue."

Hearing the words, she immediately wanted to break his hand out and give him a slap, but she was caught back by him. He locked her wrists in the opposite direction with only one hand.

Because of the lack of oxygen, Xie Yi felt a little short of breath, but she still opened her eyes and stared at him, raising her head and refusing to let go.

Seeing this, Li Ze Liang quickly lowered his head to transfer his kiss to her chin, biting and sucking bit by bit, then her neck. Freehand resisted him stiffly, but never showed weakness while struggling.

He paused, then said, "Shen Xie Yi, please!"

She is the kind of person who eats soft but not hard, and will not look back even if the knife rests on her neck.

When Li Ze Liang put the plump and softness of Xie Yi in his palm, Xie Yi's body shook and let out a desperate mourn, sounding like she was about to cry.

He was keenly aware of her strangeness, and started to let go of her with a slight shock.

At this moment, Xie Yi didn't have time to think about it. She found the right time and exhausted all her strength to lift her foot and kick him, and then pushed him away. When she quickly finished her clothes and was about to grab the door, she saw Li Ze Liang staggering back and then fell to the ground all of a sudden.

He held his right leg, with big beads of sweat hanging on his forehead, his face pale and scary for an instant.

Freehand suddenly remembered that in a hurry, he actually kicked him on the right knee. She opened her mouth wide, annoyed and at a loss.

"I didn't mean it." She trembled, then came back and squatted down to check his legs, but was lifted by Li Ze Liang.

"Get out!" he said, holding back the sharp pain.

"I'll help you." Freehand got up and went to help him again.

He did not appreciate it at all, raising his voice and repeating: "Get out!"



Li Zeliang angrily knocked over the floor lamp beside him, and shouted, "I invite you out!"

Freehand silent for a moment, followed his meaning and walked out.

Lie To Love (Liang Yan Xie Yi 良言写意)Where stories live. Discover now