Extra 3-3

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"not me......"

Dong Dong didn't wait for my reply during the first half of the day, so he easily changed his words and looked down the steps: "I'm kidding you, I have something to hang up."

He couldn't wait to cut off the phone in front of me for the first time.

I marry him?

What about Ayan?

I hurriedly dialed the phone to Ayan, but after the call was connected, I heard the familiar "Hello" but was at a loss. I didn't even know what to say.

Shao Qing said that even Ayan would win over her. I said that he wouldn't. At that time, I didn't know whether the tone was for Shao Qing, or for myself.

Ayan, he won't.

Even if the whole world doesn't want me, Ayan won't.

Certainly, absolutely, one hundred percent.

"Xie Yi? What's wrong with you?" he asked hurriedly.

"Ayan, where are you? Are you still on the beach."

"Well, I want to be here alone."

"Is the house by the sea where we stayed before, in the outskirts of City C?"

When I asked this, I had a plan in my mind.

"Yeah, are you coming?"

He asked with a faint smile, not knowing that I was in the country.

"Miss you so much." I choked a little.

"Didn't I go back in a few days." He said these words very tenderly, making me feel that if he was standing in front of my eyes, he would definitely hold me in his arms after he finished speaking, and then rub my head.

Although he has been allowing outsiders to misunderstand that I am his sister, who is fierce and bad to me, but he loves me in his bones and cannot tolerate me being wronged at all.

I have always believed in this.

I took out the only money left in my handbag and got into the C car. I was very sick due to car motion sickness.

Fortunately, there was a bathroom in the car, and I could find a place to vomit in the middle of the car, but at the end of the vomiting, there was not much acid in my stomach.

At the middle of the journey, I held my dizzy head and suddenly thought, what if he leaves halfway, if he is not where I think, then I rushed over so far and pounced for nothing.

I became scared now, so I had to call him, but couldn't get through.

However, since I did this a few years ago, now I'm halfway down and can only grit my teeth and continue.

When I arrived at City C, it was already the next morning. The flying little snow made the light of this morning come very late. The bustling city atmosphere surrounds the station. Because of the peak hours of work, I finally found a car to go to the suburbs.

When people arrived outside his house, it was already bright, and I almost vomited out of strength to stand.

I raised my gurgling hand and knocked on the door.

There was no movement inside.

I knocked hard.

Still nothing happened.

Lie To Love (Liang Yan Xie Yi 良言写意)Where stories live. Discover now