Chapter 52

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Chapter 53 10--3

After a while, Xue Qigui answered him on the phone.

"She went alone?" Li Ze Liang asked.

"And that colleague Wu Weiming." Xue Qigui replied.

"En. Old Xue, you arranged to invite Zhengyuan to have a light meal tonight."

Li Ze Liang said, "Have I done the last time I asked you to open an account and transfer money?"

"The account is opened, but the number is a bit large."

"You just do it."

In the afternoon, she finally got off work early, bought ingredients and recipes in the supermarket, and prepared to go back early to review the forgotten cooking skills. She pushed the cart and chose a lot of his favorite foods.

She squeezed out of the subway by herself, and then hooted home. Unfortunately, she received a text message from Li Ze Liang as soon as she entered the house.

"I have socializing in the evening, so I won't go home for dinner."

He wrote a sentence nonchalantly.

She looked at the two lines of words on the screen, not knowing what was happening, and felt a little uncomfortable. If it weren't for her information, he would rarely take the initiative to contact him via text messages. He would talk directly on the phone when he did everything.

However, he told her this for an unprecedented time.

Does he not want to talk to her, or is he too busy to get away now?

Probably the latter, she comforted herself.

Eight o'clock, nine o'clock, ten o'clock, eleven o'clock... The hour hand of the wall clock went one step after another, and Li Ze Liang had not yet returned home. She became more and more impatient, changed the TV channel hundreds of times, and started to go crazy.

She was kind enough to cook for him, but he didn't come back if he didn't come back. He was still spending a lot of time outside, and he wouldn't return home late at night.


Really annoying!

Very annoying!

Ignore him resolutely for a while! Can't be soft-hearted!

She made up her mind to take a bath, and seemed to hear the sound of him entering the house and closing the door when the water was released. She secretly confirmed in her heart that she must show him the face of a deep-seated woman for a while and let him know how powerful it is.

After taking a shower, she came out of the bathroom and went directly to the bedroom, but she still couldn't help taking a look at Li Ze Liang. He was sitting on the sofa in the living room with his head facing her, so she couldn't see what he was doing there.

After all, he didn't take the initiative to talk to her when he came back. She hurriedly turned off the light in the living room, threw him in the dark, and then climbed onto the bed to sleep with her head covered.

After holding back for three or four minutes, the man outside hadn't moved yet, neither got up to turn on the lights nor moved.

Rooted? She was wondering.

She got up suspiciously and poked her head out to see him still sitting in the dark, motionless. She moved down, but accidentally kicked the leg of a nearby chair. Because it is a bare foot, her toe is sore.

He suddenly said, "Where have you been, come here and let me see." The voice was weary, a little lazy and low.

She ignored him and pretended to be out to drink by herself.

Lie To Love (Liang Yan Xie Yi 良言写意)Where stories live. Discover now