Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 4--6

She walked outside the door, squatted down, buried her head in her arms, and kept meditating to herself in her heart.

"Shen Xie Yi, it's not your fault, no. You didn't know that a kick would have such a big impact."

"This is just self-protection in desperation."

"He usually walks a little bit strangely, everything else is exactly the same as a normal person. So you always treat him as an ordinary person."

"Although you have an agreement with him first, but who made him so rude."


She repeated those words to herself over and over again, and her mind gradually settled down before she began to plan what she should do next.

After sorting out his clues, Freehand was the first to call Ji Ying Song.

She deliberately omitted the previous cause, and just said: "We had a little conflict, and then... I kicked Mr. Li's foot..."

"Right foot?" Ji Ying Song immediately took over and asked.


Ji Ying Song took a breath in his heart.

"I wanted to help him, but he kicked me out." Freehand said.

"In this case, don't move, I'll come right away."

Freehand squatting on the ground, every second seems to be suffering. Suddenly, she heard some noise inside, it seemed that the phone was flicked on the ground.

She finally couldn't help it, and went back to the bedroom to see him.

At this time, Li Ze Liang was leaning on the eaves of the bed, breathing heavily. The phone on the bedside really fell off, presumably he tripped when he wanted to sit on the bed and slipped down.

She saw the edge of the quilt hanging down from the bed, being held tightly by his fingers, and half of the pink fingertips had turned white because of the force. And his right leg rested weakly on the ground.

Freehand that originally calm heart began to ache all at once.

She shouldn't be that to him.

Seeing her appear, Li Ze Liang asked in a very cold tone: "You haven't left yet? Do you want to stay and appreciate your achievements? Or come again to relieve your anger?"

"I know, you want to piss me off," Freehand said, "but, I just want to see what it's like when you sit there weak and incompetent, unable to laugh, and can't dominate others with arrogance."

"Shen Xie Yi!!" Li Ze Liang was naturally irritated by her, and he picked up the mobile phone in hand and fell towards Xie Yi.

She didn't hide, letting the phone hit her forehead severely. The force was so great that the freehand head couldn't help but tilted back slightly. She stretched out the back of her hand and rubbed it, and frowned her eyebrows concealedly, seemingly painful.

Li Ze Liang was taken aback when he saw this, but quickly recovered the look he had just now.

"If you don't understand your hate, you still have a TV remote control behind you." Freehand said.

This time, Li Ze Liang didn't make any subsequent fierce movements, but just glanced at her coldly, and said in a calm tone, "You go."

"I won't go! Obviously you let me come, and now you let me go for no reason. It's easy to ask God to give it away. If you have the ability, stand up and throw me out." She began to shame.

This time, Li Ze Liang suddenly lost his way. He said a little weakly: "Go out. I don't like others seeing me like this. I will call Ji Ying Song in a while."

"This is strange, isn't Ji Ying Song someone else?"

"He...different." Li Ze Liang was speechless.

"Yes, yes, yes. In your eyes, he is different from us." She laughed because it suddenly occurred to Xiao Lun that he had thought that the reason for Ji Ying Song's rejection of her was Li Ze Liang.

Freehand approached to help him. This time Li Ze Liang didn't open her roughly. However, when freehand brushed his shoulders, he could still feel that his body seemed a little stiff because of subconscious resistance.

He gently pushed her hand away and said, "I can stand up by myself."

"I don't understand, there is someone nearby who can help, so why bother to ask for it?"

"I can really."

After speaking, Li Ze Liang supported the back of the bed with his hands, and then slowly applied force on his left foot, propped up his body, and drove his immobile right foot to raise and move little by little.

Seeing that his face was pale but showing an inviolable firmness, she recalled the scene of him secretly climbing the stairs in the company every morning. Suddenly, she felt that the heart buried under his unknowable pain was so hard and proud. Freehand was beside him, took a deep breath, and forcibly held back the tears that were almost overflowing.

She doesn't know how long it took, but he really sat on the bed by himself and let out a long sigh of relief. He was originally a person who doesn't sweat easily, and his clothes are already soaked at the moment.

"Let me see the injury." Now, Xie Yi squatted down, trying to pull his trousers.

Li Ze Liang avoided it again, and turned his attention away to let Xie Yi take the tranquilizer for him. When Freehand found the medicine and poured water in, Li Ze Liang had already taken off his shoes and leaned against the bed with a blanket on his legs.

"Call Ji Ying Song for me."

"I hit, he might be there soon."

"I take the medicine and I will probably sleep for a while."

"En." Freehand nodded.

She doesn't know if the medicine has any effect or whether it can relieve the pain, but Li Ze Liang's mouth is closed, as if speaking very hard. She wanted to twist a towel to wipe the sweat off his face, but when she turned around, she was pulled by Li Ze Liang.

"Does it hurt?" he asked.

She was stunned for a while, but didn't understand it at first, then remembered her forehead, shook her head and said, "It doesn't hurt."

When Freehand twisted the towel and returned, Li Ze Liang was already asleep. He was asleep, his fingers still gripping the blanket on his body. She knew that he didn't want others to touch that leg.

Freehand stood in front of the bed and looked at him. He had never given up the impression that he had given her. Whether in career or other aspects, no one seems to be able to frustrate him. He can even be so strong that people ignore his disability.

His pride sometimes accidentally stabbed others and himself at the same time.

She was afraid of waking him up, so she didn't dare to wipe his face, but quietly turned off the light and exited.

When Ji Ying Song arrived and saw Li Ze Liang slept so quietly and obediently, he asked Xie Yi unexpectedly: "How did you do it?"

"Silly." Freehand said.

Lie To Love (Liang Yan Xie Yi 良言写意)Where stories live. Discover now