Chapter 69

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Chapter 13 Part II

     As soon as she went out the next morning, she found that it was white outside, and it had actually snowed all night. This year’s first snow fell without warning, and there was an unexpected surprise. When she got into the car, she found that driver was still the same as yesterday. Ji Yingsong neither came back nor reported anything to Li Ze Liang , and they knew each other.

“Can’t accompany you to dinner at night,” He said.


“Meet a friend.”

“Man? Women?” She asked pettily.

“NO comment” Li Ze Liang laughed.

“If you are so uncooperative , I will not agree with you going.”

“But I made an appointment with someone.”

“Then you take me with you.”


Originally, she was casually making bad things, but she didn’t expect him to agree so cheerfully at once, so that Xie Yi immediately wondered if she had fallen for some scheme, and looked at him suspiciously:”You have a trap?”

“No” He laughed again.

She stared at him for a long time, did not see any clues, and finally decided to proceed cautiously, so she said: “Forget it, believe you, I won’t go.”

After talking about this topic, Xie Yi was attracted to the attention of an RV with the same traffic light.

After Li Ze Liang turned his head and looked out the window on the other side, the smile on his face faded. The person he was going to see at night would never let her know.

The place where he and his people date is the unique Chinese restaurant by the river. The corridor is lined with palace lamps, and then goes around a double-sided final screen .

He ordered first, but when he returned from the bathroom, the Schneiders had already arrived.

The old lady kissed him very reservedly on the face, then looked at him carefully again, and sighed: “Li, you have become handsome again.”

When the dishes were served, he and the couple talked about homely things and recent  situations.

The old lady talked about the happy place, and asked the old man to take a photo of his little grandson for Li Ze Liang to see.

Li Ze Liang treats everyone a little condescendingly, but he has always been grateful to the Schneiders like he treats the old people in his own family.

After eating a meal, the old lady suddenly remembered the day before yesterday and asked, “Li, do you know a young lady named Shen Xie Yi?”

Li Ze Liang was stunned for a moment and said “Recongnize… Know.”

“I know, you two know each other. Then we did one thing wrong.”

“What’s going on?”

“Miss Shen temporarily made our translation twice, and inadvertently took on your car accident.”

The old lady said again, “After Miss Shen heard this, she was surprised and left in a hurry. I don’t think we did anything wrong.”

“When?” He asked.

“It was the afternoon before yesterday.”

Day before yesterday….

After Li Ze Liang sent the two old men back to the hotel, he thought about this time in the car, the day before yesterday , he had seen Xie Yi downstairs in Li’s family, and she seemed to have a little wrong. He saw it from a distance, so he wanted to walk over, but she suddenly ran across the road and ran in front of him. At that time, she knew the truth, so she ran to see him, found an opportunity to pester him again at night, and simply typed code words in the book…

Lie To Love (Liang Yan Xie Yi 良言写意)Where stories live. Discover now