Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 4--3

In the afternoon, Yang Wangjie received a call from Yin Xiaomei.

"Hey." She was silly on the other side of the phone.

"What's the matter? I'm so happy."

"Of course I'm happy when the knot is untied," Yin Xiaomei said.

"What's the knot?"

"I told you about that Miss Shen last time. Ha, you didn't worry at all after doing it for a long time."

Yang Wangjie snapped, but she didn't expect her to be so competitive. "I've been busy these few days, and I almost forgot about my last name."

"It's no wonder that things gather people in groups. You are almost like my brother. Don't mention the waste of sleep and food when you work, and you are usually boring to death."

Yang Wangjie reminded her: "Aren't you going to tell me something? Go around there again."

"Oh-that Shen Xie Yi and I are alumni of University of M. I suddenly remembered it yesterday."


"Well, she was my senior sister in college. When we were in M ​​University, we were both in the Dream Theater Company," Yin Xiaomei explained, "It's a drama club in our school. No wonder I feel familiar."

"Really?" Yang Wangjie replied casually.

"She also acted in a play with me before. I really miss it at that time--" Yin Xiaomei smiled and sighed, "If it wasn't for my dad to stop me, I would also like to be an actor."

"How old you are, you start to hurt the spring and sad autumn."

Although Yin Xiaomei is not much younger, she has always been regarded as a treasure in the family, so her personality is pure and cute, and she always feels like she is not grown up.

"Wang Jie, when will we ask Miss Shen to come out to reminisce about the past."

"This..." Yang Wangjie was a little embarrassed.

"Ha, I see, there is a ghost in your heart? Did you fall in love with Miss Shen?"

Yang Wangjie was difficult to argue for a while, so he had to say, "Then wait for Miss Shen to talk about it when she is free."

However, at this moment, Miss Shen is in Li Ze Liang's apartment.

The apartment is not the kind of mansion of thousands of square meters that most people imagine that it takes several minutes to walk from the bedroom to the dining room. Very ordinary elevator apartments, but the windows of each house can bring the scenery of the whole city into your eyes, including the Mingcui Mountain on the other side of the city.

The decoration of the house is very simple, even the lamps and lanterns are simple and bright in style and color.

Apart from the living room, the apartment has a bedroom and a study room. There is also a recreation room with only a snooker table.

Freehand at this time was not in the mood to ponder Li Ze Liang's preferences. She had been sitting motionless on the sofa in the living room ever since she entered the house.

Li Ze Liang not only asked Xiao Lin to call a car to send her off, but also openly let her off for a long time. She really doesn't know whether to say that he is a fake public for private benefit or to treat his subordinates leniently.

When she came, the sky was getting dark, and she doesn't know how long she had been sitting, but the sky outside the window was gradually getting dark, and the lights of various colors slowly turned on, and the dark sky was turned red.

Without turning on the light alone, she just waited, waiting for the man to appear in the darkness.

Suddenly, she keenly heard "Ding Dong—" The elevator on this floor seemed to rang, and then there was a sound of footsteps, one after another, one by one approaching in this direction. She squeezed in her heart, straightened her waist, held her breath, and held her handbag tightly with both hands. The footsteps were getting closer and closer, but when passing by this door, there was no pause, and he turned away.

not him.

After confirming these three words in her heart, Xie Yi relaxed, and when she opened her palm, she felt a thin layer of sweat.

Immediately, the freehand phone rang. There were very few sounds around, so the bell rang suddenly, which scared her.

"Freehand." Aunt Ren called.

"Aunt Ren."

"Writing to write Qing just now, I mentioned you suddenly." Aunt Ren said with joy, because since she fell ill, she never knew anyone other than those three people, including Xie Yi.

"What did you mention about me?"

"She had eaten, and suddenly said,'Dad, are you going to see Freehand?', and asked me twice."

Freehand smile, "It's great."

After hanging up the phone, she was a little tired, so she wrapped her clothes in the corner of the sofa and wanted to take a nap, so that she could have the energy to deal with Li Ze Liang's return. She leaned up, but felt something strange on her face. She stretched out her hand to touch it, and tears came out of her eyes.

Fingertips touched, but it was cold.

Freehand was so dazed on the sofa until dawn, and that Li Ze Liang didn't show up for the whole night. She cleanly changed from yesterday's suit, finished washing, and went to work on time.

Before ten o'clock, someone called to tell her to go to the meeting.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Lantianwan coordination meeting." Xue Qigui's assistant replied, completely not mentioning that she had blocked the door of the meeting room yesterday.

Oh, freehand thought, his so-called contract has such a rapid effect, and now her rights are completely restored, she can't help but snort in her nose. When she walked to the door of the conference hall, she just ran into Li Ze Liang and others walking towards him.

She turned her head away and didn't want to look at him.

Li Ze Liang pressed his lips tightly and said nothing. Xue Qigui beside him said with a smile: "Congratulations, Lawyer Shen, we have decided to accept your proposal."

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