Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 4--2

"When did Zhan Dongzhen leave?" He asked in silence for a while.

"Yesterday afternoon." Then, Xue Qigui handed another piece of paper to Li Ze Liang, "This is the person he met in the few days in City A, and some details."

Li Ze Liang took it over and read it roughly.

Xue Qigui said: “As long as we drag it for a while, I’m afraid that the Dongzhen Group will not be able to sit still. Their project drags on for a day and it will cost hundreds of thousands of losses. If they drag on like this, it will cost them a penny. Can’t get it. So it seems that we are bound to get it, so please rest assured, Mr. Li."

"However," Xue Qigui added, "Zhan Dongzhen has been traveling a lot in City A these days. Mr. Li, you have seen this list, and I am afraid that the government will put pressure on us at that time."

"I know this measure."

"Also, this is what Mr. Li asked me to check last time." After that, Xue Qigui handed over another document to Li Ze Liang.

He squeezed it in his hand and turned it over for a long time.

"If there is nothing wrong, I will leave first?" Xue Qigui asked.

"En." Li Ze Liang put down his things, walked to the window and looked east, wondering if he heard the other party talking to him, he looked noncommittal.

When Xue Qigui left his home, he was still standing there without turning his head. They usually know that his temper is not surprised.

In order to facilitate his work, Li Ze Liang set up an apartment to live alone in the urban area. Only part-time workers come to clean the room every day, and few people come back. It's just that sometimes someone from the company comes to him to talk about business affairs, and the hourly worker is in charge of Xiao Lin, so sometimes Xiao Lin will come to see him.

He was still in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass in the living room, looking down, with a panoramic view of the night view of the city. The dazzling lights made his eyes brighter. He turned around to find the wine, and suddenly stopped when he poured half of it into the glass, and silently thought, if it was really a glass of poisoned wine, would he be content with it. Thinking of this, he suddenly became annoyed and threw the wine glass against the corner.

The wine glass instantly broke into dross and splashed around.

He stared at the scattered glass shards for a long time.

In the end, whether he was tired or his mind calmed down, he slowly sat on the sofa, his mouth twitched, and his smile was a little desolate.

In the past few days, Freehand spent all her spare time working overtime in order to get the cooperation plan with Dongzhen Group. She was not a member of the industry, so she looked through a lot of information and spent several nights all night before analyzing the pros and cons of the cooperation with Zhan and the acquisition of Lantian Bay by Li alone.

She didn't simply want to influence the opinions of the whole Li family, but wanted to let Li Ze Liang or Xue Qigui know that the acquisition of Lantian Bay was not the only way to make the most profit for the Li family.

She showed to Xue Qigui before. Xue Qigui put on his eyes and read carefully before saying: "Lawyer Shen, to be honest, you write well. But this matter is not within the scope of your work, and Mr. Li has already stated clearly. His opinion, we can't contradict his meaning." Then he returned the things to Freehand.

At the budget coordination meeting for the acquisition of Lantian Bay, when it was his turn to speak freely, the assistant asked: "Lawyer Shen, do you have anything to speak?"

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