Chapter 31

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Chapter 32 6-4

He seemed to have smoked while sitting there alone just now, and there was a smell of tobacco remaining between his fingers.

She checked his fingers one by one. There is a small cocoon on the right middle finger, which is obviously written out. Looking at the left hand, there are also calluses on the base of the index finger knuckle and on the thumb. It's weird, what you are doing here will grind to it.

"What are you looking at?" he asked.

"There are cocoons here."

"Oh." He raised his hand and looked at it for himself. "It's a snooker game."

When he said this, he felt freely. The last time she saw him in the apartment, there was a large room with a snooker table. It can be seen that it is really in love.

"Do you like that thing too? It's so boring." Every time she sees that kind of show on TV, she changes the channel immediately, thinking at the time, is it possible that this kind of thing is actually watched.

"People like you should practice best."


"Train your energy and spirit. It's actually very simple to eat the ball. The key is to leave the opponent with what kind of game after you start. Once you aim at the target, hold your breath and hit the target. Just like doing business, one is to see accurately. , The second is the appropriate strength, and the third is the momentum."

"What does this have to do with me?"

"You have shortcomings, you look like a lawyer. You ran into me. If you meet someone who will ask someone to burn money." He put his arm around her and smiled faintly. "It’s just to see that you are a young and newcomer and deliberately make things difficult for you. You are not an employee of Li’s who is afraid of what she will do, and you don’t take the posture of a lawyer. When you are awkward with me, you will be stubborn and wilt as soon as you go out."

"Then you didn't say anything for me at the time?" She was angry about this.

"This also wants me to support you. You have been in vain for half a century?"

"Oh." She replied whispered.

"When will I teach you."

"Not learning, not interested."

"Then if there is a big competition next time, I will take you to see it first." He still did not give up his desire to cultivate her hobby.

"Don't look, I must fall asleep on the spot."

He didn't feel annoyed when he heard it, and smiled faintly, then buried his head on the hairline of her neck.

"Freehand." He called her for not knowing how long the two had been sitting like this.

"What?" She responded without raising her head, and continued to study his fingers with her face buried.

"We might as well find something to do."

"What's up?"

He didn't answer her, and she didn't bother to ask.

"Freehand." He called again slowly.

Does this man like to call her to play?

She looked up suspiciously, but he kissed her as soon as she lifted her face. He kissed her on the cheek first and then slowly moved to her lips.

There was a bitter tobacco smell between his lips and tongue.

She couldn't help leaning back, somewhat avoiding. He freed up a hand to support the back of her head, so that her face had to be pressed against him, and then the hand around her waist tightened.

Lie To Love (Liang Yan Xie Yi 良言写意)Where stories live. Discover now