Extra 3-2

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Seeing that he looked wrong, I let go of my legs obediently. This loose leg doesn't matter, it touches the ground with a little toe. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the water is so shallow...

The day after Ayan returned to China, I received a call. It was late at the time. I was taking a shower in the bathroom. When I came out, I heard the phone ring, and I answered it without much hesitation.

But I don't want to, just write fine.

"Su Xie Yi."

She shouted my previous name with the usual arrogance, "You have a comfortable life in Germany."

"Thanks to you." I sneered.

"Oh, I have something to inform you."

"It's a rare eldest lady that you still remember someone like me."

"I thought there was nothing wrong with you, but I think I should tell you that I and Zhan Dong Zhen will be engaged the day after tomorrow. Since you two are in such a good relationship, do you want to come back to the ceremony?"

Are they finally getting married?

In the middle of the night, I opened Ayan's bedroom, threw myself on his bed, buried my face in the pillow, and breathed deeply, trying to make his smell fill my chest.

Finally, I finally couldn't help but dialed his cell phone, and I could hear the whistling wind and waves in the receiver.

He went to the beach again.

At this time, it should be almost dawn in the country, and he probably sat on such a cold beach for one night.

"Ayan." I called him.

"En? Have a nightmare?" he asked in a low voice.

"No, you are not at home, I am not used to it." I acted like a baby.

I never told him about my mother and Shen's family, let alone Dong dong and Shu Qing. I don't know if he has any doubts why I changed from Su Xie Yi to Shen Xie Yi. He never asked me about this, as if I changed my last name, it was as common as if I wanted to eat soy milk but suddenly changed to drink milk.

I don't ask why he wants to go to the beach. He always thinks that I am a young child, but I understand that I have grown up a long time ago. I heard about the trivialities of the Li family sporadically.

A Yan has an older brother who is many years older than A Yan. Unfortunately, he passed away many years ago, as if his ashes were scattered in the sea.

There was silence on the phone.

"Xie Yi." He called me softly.

"I'm here."

"Actually, I miss you a lot." He said.

The next day, I took a twelve-hour flight back to China. I can't tell whether it is for the engagement of Qing and Dongdong, or for the four words that Ayan has deep thoughts about: I miss you very much.

It was Dongdong who came to meet me at the airport.

When I saw him, I was annoyed.

"Do you like her? You obviously don't love her, so why marry her."

It took a long time for Dongdong to say: "Xie Yi, sometimes one person and another will not be together, it's more than just love and not love."

After listening to it, I became more and more angry.

I didn't understand this at all, but I didn't expect that many years later, I would have the same insight.

When I got home, my mother looked at me and sighed slightly.

"You two grow up together and have a good relationship, I also know. But Dongzhen is a boy, he can't live so casually like you. Your father likes him, and Shao Qing also likes him. The two families are so good. A happy event, why did you cry like this."

"Where does Shao Qing like him? She just wants to win everything, so she must marry him deliberately because of anger."

"How do you know that your sister doesn't like Dongzhen?"

"She is not my sister!"

I just hope that she will not appear in front of my eyes in this life, and not have any involvement with me. Even if I think so, I'm still the daughter of the Shen family, and I have to visit my dad properly.

Coming out of my father's study, Shao Qing had already been waiting for me in the living room.

I glanced at her obliquely.

"Don't pretend to be too high-minded in front of me. I warn you. Zhan Dong Zhen has long been my fiancé. Now we are officially engaged. If you want to bother him again, it is the mistress."

She sneered, "Your mother is just to seduce people. Husband, don't take a daughter-in-law's career."

I was anxious for three steps and went up to the ground to slap her again. She suffered a loss last time, this time she was clever and caught my wrist in advance.

Shao Qing said, "I know that you are living with that kid surnamed Li. Don't think that if you have him to support you, you will be lawless in this house. I haven't got the things that Shen Shao Qing wanted in this life. Yes. Zhan Dong Zhen who snatched from you now, if I am in a good mood someday, I will snatch that kid over and show you."

"you dare!"

"Is there something I dare not, do you want to try?"

I let go, a little bit depressed, "Ayan , he doesn't."

Shao Qing narrowed her eyes, "As long as a man will choose me, not you."

What she said was not untrue. This has always been the case since I was young. No one around Shen Shao Qing would like me. Dong Dong is the only one who loves me and ignores her perfection. But now even him is hers.

Coming out of Shen's house, I don't want to go home, and I don't want my mother to know about my dispute with Shao qing. Now I don't even know where is the place for me to stay in B City of Novosibirsk. Whenever this time, the first thing that comes to my mind is Dong Dong's place. I dialed Dong Dong's phone, rang and quickly pinched it off.

I shouldn't find him anymore.

However, he called back vigilantly.

"Xie Yi, where are you?"

"Dong Dong, don't you marry her, okay? She doesn't want to marry you at all, she just wants to piss me off.".

There was silence on the other end of the phone. After a long time, he slowly asked in a soft voice: "Then Xie Yi, will you marry me?"

I was choked by these words, my thinking stopped, and I was taken aback.


"Am I still not as good as your Ayan after all?"

He seemed to laugh at himself.

Lie To Love (Liang Yan Xie Yi 良言写意)Where stories live. Discover now