Chapter 38

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Chapter 39 8--1

After dinner, Sister Jing went to visit her classmates in City C, and many people were going to visit the famous night market in City C. It was called Xie Yi.  Xie Yi was so tired that she shook her head and returned to the hotel. It's a pity that she and Sister Jing were assigned to the same room, but Sister Jing said that she would not come back, so she had to take the key from the reception desk and live alone.

When she arrives at the hotel, her favorite thing is to turn on the TV very loudly, and it feels less deserted. She feels a faint toothache when taking a bath. She didn't care at first, but then she couldn't fall asleep because of the pain in the bed.

She simply sat up and continued watching TV.

But it seems useless.

When it hurts, even the pulse jumps and jumps together can aggravate the pain. Later, it becomes not only the temple, but also the entire right skull and ears.

She pulled her head and leaned on the bed, very disappointed. She tuned the TV to the entertainment program and turned the volume up very loudly, and there was constant laughter coming out of it. This not only couldn't bury that loss, but it made her even more depressed and depressed.

She is usually optimistic, and she is happy to go everywhere with pistachios. But when she is alone or sick, she is gloomy and pessimistic.

When she,   herself was struggling to find a clinic or buy some painkillers, the phone rang.

It's Li Ze Liang's call.

She covering the painful right cheek, hesitated to pick it up. She doesn't like to let people see such a weak self, especially in front of him, it feels like a weak person begging for mercy.

She let the phone vibrate on the bedside table.

It rang for a long time, but she didn't answer it.

A short while after the ringtone went off, the SMS reminder sounded again.

"Have you gone back?"

Obviously, Li Ze Liang didn't think she didn't answer the phone deliberately, but probably just thought that she was still not hearing it outside. She sighed, after thinking about it, she decided to reply with three words: "I'm asleep."

She was about to confirm the sending, but she didn't expect another call to come in, so the "OK" button became "Answer".

She was silly for a second, and slowly moved the receiver to her ear.

"Hey—" she said.

"Have you gone back?" he asked.

"It's ok."

She heard the noise next to him, and people talking loudly from time to time, as if the meal had not been finished. But the noise only lasted for a while, and then it quieted down. He seemed to have gone out to talk in a different place.

"Go to sleep?"

"It's ok."

She answered dumbly twice.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked again. The tone made Xie Yi clearly feel that she was frowning when she said this.


"You are the only one in the hotel?"

"It's ok."

"What's the matter with you?" He asked again, seeming slightly unhappy.

"It's okay." She answered again unchanged.

After she answered this, there was no answer on the other end of the phone for a long time. The silence period was so long that Xie Yj i almost thought that his or his mobile phone had lost the signal. It wasn't until there was a little noise coming out as the door of the private room opened and closed that Xie Yi was sure that he was really silent on purpose.

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