Extra 4-3

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These days, she quit smoking and drinking, and quit those friends she didn't like. She wore skirts like a clerk and went to work in Hai Run from nine to five places every day. She worked hard to learn how to live, learning very hard.

But in the end, he didn't see it at all.

She suddenly felt that how could she be humble to such a point, and almost become a deep boudoir who is waiting for favors. It is really humble. She is not Xie Yi, thinking of her way of sticking to men upside down, she laughed.

In this world, what man does Shen Shao Qing want and can't get?

It turned out that his life was not worthy of her, she was only suitable for a world of drunkenness and gold, so she found those old habits again.

After that, no matter what she did at Hairun, they were afraid of her identity, so they didn't dare to expose her and embezzle money with her.

Later, Hairun and Li worked together to develop shopping malls.

After many years, she saw Li Ze Liang who was alone in the Li family after returning home.

She heard that he had a better brain when he was in high school, but his personality was more arrogant and rebellious than her.

Later, when the eldest son of the Li family passed away for some reason, he was completely changed. The Li family deliberately sent him here to study for college and isolate his former friends. He seemed to be really reborn, and his evil spirits disappeared, and he was still tossed by the girl Xie Yi.

He is an extremely good man, it is no wonder Xie Yi is so reluctant to bear him. Suddenly he was calm and reserved, suddenly indifferent and arrogant, and unknowingly he would erect a transparent wall in front of people to prevent anyone from approaching. Sometimes, when she get along with him, there is a kind of momentary loss.

She once said to him: "You've been back to China for so long, didn't that girl come back with you?"

He didn't react at first, and when he understood that she was referring to Xie Yi, he smiled lightly. This person who usually smiles is a kind of job, but when he mentioned Xie Yi, the corners of his mouth were soft.

He looked at me, it was almost the first time he looked at me, and then said: "Actually, you look a bit like Xie Yi."

He never talked to me about personal matters, except this time.

She disdain: "Impossible. If I grow up like her, I won't go out after death."

He smiled again when he heard the words.

She remembered the provocative and Xie Yi words before, if she wanted to rob Zhan Dong Zhen, then why can't she rob Li Ze Liang.

But after the real contact, she realized that it was impossible. She would not fall in love with him, nor would he be interested in her. Because he and her are both a kind of person in their bones.

He probably has the same sentiment as her.

Someone dragged her to speculate in futures, and she lost a lot of money. She tried to make money in all aspects of the cooperative project's accounting, and tried to make money to make up the blank. This endless stitching has almost expanded into a black hole. .

Lie To Love (Liang Yan Xie Yi 良言写意)Where stories live. Discover now