Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 3-7

She sat for a long time before Zhan Dongzhen came back slowly.

His spirit is better than before going out, She doesn't know if after she came in, he went back and vomited again alone. She knew that if some people vomit when they drink uncomfortably, they will feel much better.

Freehand was originally meant to have eaten, so she didn't want to eat it at all. Moreover, she was originally irrelevant here, and there was no extra person to pay attention to her. The smoke in the room made her want to vomit, just begging God to let the meal end as soon as possible.

She has nothing to do, but she can't just take a mobile phone out to play games boringly, so she won't lose Li Ze Liang's face. Therefore, her only way to pass the time was to smile and pretend to listen to them attentively.

At a moment's notice, the identity of the people on Dongzhen's side was also clarified.

There are two people closest to Zhan Dongzhen. One is his male secretary, whose surname is Li; the other is probably the manager of the public relations department, whose surname is Zhao, who is about 30 years old. The time is really charming.

This Manager Zhao is indeed massive, so she probably has to deal with Li Ze Liang. Beautiful women persuade wine, and do it first, there is no reason not to drink.

She doesn't know if Li Ze Liang came up a little drunk, or he usually likes to frown with beautiful women, and chat with that beautiful Zhao more and more speculation. Freehand can not help cursing in her heart: drink, drink, drink, drink to death you. As soon as she finished scolding in her heart, she saw Li Ze Liang glance at her intentionally or unintentionally.

No way, he even felt her scolded him?

In order to conceal her defamation, she smirked at him hastily with a guilty conscience.

This happened to fall into Zhao Mei's eyes again.

"Ah! Look, Mr. Li, we left Miss Shen in the cold."

    Zhao Meili stood up and asked the waiter to pour two glasses of wine, "Ms. Shen, since you are a friend of Dongzhen and also my friend of Zhao Lingfei. Rare. Whenever I have the opportunity, I will take advantage of the flowers to present the Buddha to take up the place of President Li to offer you a glass of respect."

Few subordinates call the boss like this. Freehand is a little surprised to hear it, but it doesn't matter to her.

With that said, Zhao Lingfei raised a glass with one hand and the other was about to be presented in front of Freehand, "Miss Shen, I respect you."

Before he finished this sentence, she saw Zhan Dongzhen stop him and said: "Ling Fei, she can't drink, so don't embarrass her."

Zhao Lingfei didn’t say anything but listened to what the boss said, but the wine didn’t come back like that, so she turned her eyes around and turned the topic to Li Ze Liang, “Mr. Li, you see that your Miss Shen can’t drink. As the saying goes, gentlemen do. The act of pitying and cherishing jade, are you doing it for her?"

Just now, she respected Li Ze Liang's wine, as long as she could draw a reason, Li Ze Liang would not refuse anyone who came. But this time he just smiled, "I think it is Mr. Zhan who is pitying Xie Yi. It is not good for me to win people's wishes like this."

Li Ze Liang not only let Zhao Lingfei touch a soft nail, but also kicked the ball to Zhan Dongzhen.

Fortunately, when this man speaks, he bit his words clearly, otherwise she will let others listen to those four words as fascinating, so she is still so confused in the company. Freehand sneered in her heart, so you Li Ze Liang, wash me in front of so many people.

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