Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 5--2

The two looked at each other suspiciously.

"Why?" Yin Xiaomei asked.

"what why?"

"Why did she say no."

"Maybe you have a bad memory."

"I don't have a good memory? Wouldn't a person remember whether she was on a basketball team or a table tennis team when she was in school? Does anyone who has learned to play drama think that she is learning piano?"

Yin Xiaomei was a bit illogical, but it was not unreasonable.

"But, didn't you mean that you went to study abroad without finishing four years? Maybe later Miss Shen..."

"Then I will ask my classmates." Yin Xiaomei said.

"Forget it, smiling eyebrows, maybe people don't want to mention something in the past, and don't like you to root out the problem like this."

Yin Xiaomei was a little angry, "But I'm curious, I like gossiping about people's privacy. What's the matter?" She said again, "And why does she not want others to mention, why does she deliberately say that she doesn't know me, aren't you curious?"

She is very curious, and she will never stop until she is clear about the things she has spotted. Without further ado, just call with friends from other places.

"Yes, Shen Xie Yi, our political and law department is one term higher than us, I remember her." said the female classmate. "A very nice guy who stayed in the drama club for a long time."

Hearing this, Yin Xiaomei raised his eyebrows at Yang Wangjie, showing that I didn't lie to you.

"The drama we played together..." Yin Xiaomei recalled.

""Salem Witch". It was a difficult repertoire, but the big house succeeded." The classmate answered.

"Yes, yes. The priest's daughter I played."

"Yeah, you ran to America before finishing the queue."

"Hehe." Yin Xiaomei smiled embarrassedly.

"Later, it made us look for people everywhere to stick our feet." The female classmate complained.

"Excuse me, next time you come to City A, I will invite you to dinner and play with you. Speaking of it, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

   Yin Xiaomei's problem, and the talk went off the topic again, and the other party also went off the topic.

"Well, everyone missed you very much later, you and the boy in the next class..."

"Hush—" Yin Xiaomei hurriedly called to stop, and then looked at Yang Wangjie. Then she remembered to ask business.

"That Shen Xie Yi, she has always been in the drama club?"

"No, she went to study abroad in the last two years."


"Just smile after you left, she also went abroad."

"Where did she go?" Yin Xiaomei asked.

"It seems to be Germany."

"Exchange students?"

"This is not clear."

It seems that with a click, the clue is disconnected here.

Yin Xiaomei hung up the phone, a little disappointed. She thought she would find out some earth-shattering inside story.

Lie To Love (Liang Yan Xie Yi 良言写意)Where stories live. Discover now