Chapter 35

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Chapter 36 7-3


  Xie Yi TV watching is of course mainly entertainment gossip.

    She felt that the TV was too low and could not hear clearly, so she secretly increased the volume by one notch. she took a look at Li Ze Liang and saw that he had no response, so she secretly added another notch, and seeing that he still had no objection, she added another notch..

    After tossing for a long time, she finally adjusted the volume to the level she was satisfied with.

    When Li Ze Liang's eyes were a little tired, when he raised his head to look at her, he found that the person had fallen asleep in the corner of the sofa. He put down his book and turned off the TV, put his hand on the armrest of the sofa, looked at her with one hand for a long time, then got up and hugged her. She muttered for a while in a daze, and drilled into his arms like a kitten.

    This subtle movement made his heart seem to be filled with something at once, but it was a pity that the tip of his heart was a little bit painful. Her body temperature, her breath and even such a sleeping face have made him nostalgic for many years. There was a time when he thought he could never have it anymore.

    Even if these are illusory dreams, then let himself be indulged in them forever. Maybe... he really shouldn't be so fierce to her.

     He sighed and gently put her on the bed in the bedroom.

     "Xie Yi."

      "En." She replied dazedly.

     "Get up and brush your teeth, you just ate candy."

      "I don't want to brush it." She murmured, closing her eyes.

      "Otherwise, you will have a toothache."

      "No, I'm sleepy and want to sleep." She pouted and frowned, a little coquettish, "Is it all right this time?"

     As soon as he heard it, he felt very soft and didn't say anything, so he tucked the quilt for her and washed it by himself.

    The next day, Zhan Dongzhen still didn't listen to free words and went to Shen's house.

   After a busy day, he drove home from get off work and passed by the riverside highway. The river breeze blew to his face from the skylight, which was extraordinarily comfortable. Even he didn't know how long he hadn't stopped to look at the scenery of this city.

    So he leaned the car on the side of the road and walked slowly along the embankment of the river for a short distance. On the road, many couples, father and daughter families came out to take a walk in the shade, and the night was getting darker, and you could see the bright lights of the new district in the opposite city from a distance.

    None of the lights were lit to wait for his return.

    Zhan Dongzhen walked alone, seeing that he was too far away from the car, he turned back. But in the darkness, I saw Xie Ming Hao approaching.

    Xie Ming Hao also works under Dongzheng, and they meet at the company at any time, but at this time, Shen Shuobqing is standing next to Xie Ming Hao. She was held by Xie Ming Hao and walked slowly. The two did not speak, but their attitudes were intimate.

     It is not for Zhan Dongzhen to retreat at this moment, and it is difficult to enter. Xie Ming Hao was stunned when he saw him first, and then grabbed the hand of Shuo Qing. He didn't know what to do, but he didn't take the initiative to say hello to Zhan Dongzhen.

Lie To Love (Liang Yan Xie Yi 良言写意)Where stories live. Discover now